Page 18 of Hunted Heir

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The nausea has almost fully taken over as Remy helps me get into the truck and then he goes over to his side.

The man that always has my back, opens the driver’s door then promptly shuts it, as he starts to head back upstairs. I know he wants to go back there and end them all. Finishing what I started.

“Remy,” I shout out but it’s more like a low growl. My voice is still off, with a few added octaves for the ball injury, and I can’t breathe through my nose. I shake my head no at him, now is definitely not the time.

“That girl doesn’t even fully know what happened, she was fucking loaded, and somewhat trained.” I slightly smile knowing that this is gonna affect me for years. That I got my ass handed to me by some college girl.

“Relax,” I say to him as he gets in to the truck, shutting the door behind him. He nods.

I’ve never been more fascinated by anyone. I’ve never met anybody worth as much of my attention as I have tonight. The ice starts to work, numbing my face and the other pack has seeped through my jeans slowly urging my shriveled fuckers to come back to life. They left their safe haven and are dropping again.

“Give me all of her info, even down to the color of her fucking pubes.” I take a deep breath, the pain is withering but still very much there. “Everything that you can find. I want to know every single thing about her.”

Remy is quiet for a second, before he scares the shit out of me when he is losing whatever internal war he was in and erupts in thunderous laughter. “You want all the info on the girl that just handed you your ass?” He’s laughing so much I could barely hear him. The ass needs to calm down before he starts crying.

I know, runs through my brain as I smirk. “Use my name and get us a dorm room. Something close to hers if possible, or at least on the same damn floor.”

Now Remy looks taken aback, not sure what to make out for me wanting to do this. I have never shown this much interest in anybody before, definitely never a fucking target, which is what she is now to us.

I’m grateful to the asshole, as a friend as he keeps his mouth shut and doesn’t say anything. His lips keep crinkling fighting down the laughter, but thankfully he tames it. Some things should just be left unchallenged between friends.

At least that’s what I thought until the fucker starts jerking his dick up and down, a well-practiced humping motion with the limited room he has by the steering wheel. “Maybe you should think about your infatuation, man, before you get yourself killed, or you get your right hand man, friend for life, bro-brother taken out by the ball-buster.” Man’s got jokes.

There’s just something about this girl. I can’t place my fucking finger on it and I wish I could, she’s an enigma that I’m determined to figure out.

“Let’s eat,” I say to Remy as he nods. It’s early, the sun is barely making an entrance, and food is always helpful. At least maybe my nausea will go away. I am fucking hungry.

Less than an hourlater we have a code to a dorm room that’s not being used, three doors down from where I wanted to be. I guess Remy did not use my name, I have no idea how he did it. Using my name can get us anywhere we want to go. If you think about an assassin living on campus, it’s not a good thing to be known, all the dead bodies will definitely come back to me.

I have a whole list of favors that I can call on. Going all the way up to the speaker of the house. These favors are the type that are no fucking questions asked. When you do jobs it gets you clout, especially when you do jobs on a moment’s notice and keep a tight lid on shit, making it look exactly the way they wanted to.

People who call me, they remember this shit all the time, that’s how I’ve been able to get so far up in this shitty world.

This is one of the extra rooms that they have. There are keys, I’ve learned that colleges have at least five to ten of these rooms available, they’re for someone who doesn’t feel safe around others, where they just need a place to hang out for a while.

This could be for sexual assault, maybe even bullying or fights. A lot of kids don’t want to go home and some of them might not even have a place to return to, even though most of them are rich. This gives them somewhere to go to be safe and disappear without actually having to disappear where anything could happen to them.

“This whole building is fucking coed man,” Remy states with a big smile. That helps with our situation for being here but it doesn’t help with Remy. I need him in check and capable, not balls deep.

I start making calls for different types of surveillance that I might need as Remy heads out to grab the rest of our luggage.

I need to find out who the fuck this wicked young thing is and find out if she’s actually going to be a problem or not. I fucking hate collateral damage but my face is death. Those who have seen me are no longer around to talk about it.

If I didn’t take care of all those who could ID me, there’s no way I would be able to continue in this job. I would’ve been ousted years ago.

Besides, this is a small vacation for us. I was told to hang out for a while longer. I’m probably going to get another fucking asshole college dick that I have to deal with.

But for this private school, the money is fucking insane.

This could be our new full time employment. Get up to half a mil to exterminate the unwanted.




“I am never drinking again,” I say this with as much enthusiasm as I feel.

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