Page 22 of Hunted Heir

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“What the fuck are you doing? You need to fucking end her already.” The last part was hissed out.

I slightly jump, incredibly fucking pissed at myself as I’m never surprised. I let my guard down and all it takes is one fucking second.

“Fuck off,” I snarl, even though Remy has a fucking point. I need to make sure that my head stays in the game. I growl at him even though I know I’m making a bigger mistake right now. He’s right, especially after he was able to sneak up on me like that.

Nobody is ever able to fucking sneak up on me like that.

Maybe because it’s in my nature and the temper coursing through my blood. I don’t like knowing that someone has one over on me, when it was something I could’ve controlled. I knock Remy against the fucking wall. One hand pressed firmly against his shoulder and my forearm across his neck.

We might be like bros, but he needs to know and learn his fucking place. I’m about to put him there.

Students gasp, but not that many were in a long hallway outside of the cafeteria. There’s not that much back here. Mostof them walk away quickly, there’s not a lot of room but they do whatever they can to not get too close to us, not to touch us.

Even if it’s just a fight, nobody wants to be stuck in the middle of that shit.

I ease off of his neck as Remy grunts out, “I’ve never fucking seen you this way.” His voice is husky and now very irritated as he violently smacks my arms away.

Both of us know he can only do this because I let him.

“I’m afraid it’s gonna be fucking you next, man.” The pain and emotion are traveling hard to his voice. I’m listening to the only person I call my family. “Your head is so far out of the fucking game right now. I have to tell you, I’m getting fucking nervous. This crush that you have going on is going to get you killed, or get us both killed.”

He starts pulling on the ends of his hair, when he was younger and it was shorter, doing this would make the ends stand up, but now that his hair’s down to his shoulders, it immediately falls back down. I think the pain from doing that gets him away from the pain of dealing with me.

He shakes his head slightly at me in annoyance, then walks away on his own.

I won’t admit it out loud, but deep down, way fucking down inside, I know that the fucker’s right.




It’s now Friday morning, the start of the weekend. The beginning of September and cooler days. Eden has mentioned this to me a few times, the girl hates winter, it gives her less options for clothing.

I have been freaked out all week long, looking in every damn direction, making sure that I’m safe.

At any second I expect this man, whom I don’t even have a clue what his name is yet, to pounce on me. The other night I had to fucking check underneath my bed and my friends have no idea what the hell is going on with me, why I’m acting so damn crazy.

I can’t say anything to them, even though they saw him the other night in a puddle of pain on my bed, that will definitely put their lives in danger, also. This is my problem, my issue, something I need to figure out how to make promptly go away.

I haven’t told anybody, I’m too damn scared to tell anybody, even my father, the one person in the whole world who makes me feel the safest. I’ve been relentlessly going back and forth, should I stay or should I go?

In this life you only get one chance. I don’t want to be some cocky little ass that thinks my shit doesn’t stink. That’s when you meet up with the wrong person, that’s when the end finally comes.

In all honesty, I haven’t felt safe since I’ve been here. In a school that has armed guards lining the hallways and the cafeteria, at least they’re not allowed in the classrooms, even though they’re plastered right outside. For some reason I’m still terrified, like I am in my nightmares.

I’m just waiting for that extremely gorgeous but very creepy guy to stick a knife in my back. Will he do it when I’m aware, or will he do it when I’m just walking by?

Maybe the night I don’t check under my bed is the night he does it, or maybe he knocks me off and my friends, too. That part makes my heart hurt. I’ve never met other people like this that I’ve connected so well with. I know that I’m gonna be friends for life with these guys.

“Taylor,” Alden states as he runs up next to me. My eyes are wide, still looking around probably causing him to think he’s creeping me out. “Just thought I’d walk you out. I haven’t talked to you for over week.”

“I’m fine.” I smile brightly, letting him know that I mean it. It makes me feel better that someone’s walking with me. Kind of like my own guard, my own security guy.

He gives me a panty melting grin, highlighting his main prize, the dimple that pops right out. We walk toward the cafeteria, well I walk in that direction and he tags along. He seems nervous, like he’s working himself up, but it doesn’t take long till he finds the strength.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out some time?” He pauses for a second. “I could text you. We could just even walk to class to get to know each other better.”

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