Page 26 of Hunted Heir

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I can’t move too far if I want to continue to listen. Even though there’s a shit ton of students out here, hundreds. Most of the shit I hear is rumors. But no matter where you are in the world, if something is happening, there is usually at least one person that has an idea of what the hell is going on. If you filter out all the other bullshit, you can find the piece of info that you actually need.

Also, Remy’s trying to dig up whatever he can. He is doing surveillance, but this early in the game, figuring out what’s going on isn’t easy. With all the students, even the admins, not in their office, something is going on. Something big.

“Katerina Capponi.” I almost didn’t recognize the name, it was very faint. Katerina Capponi is a long forgotten name. The missing daughter from the missing Capponi family.

The family of ‘The Ghost.’ They figured either she was dead or someone took her, sold her to the sex trade.

It’s like an Anastasia movie all over again, downright fascinating.

Remy walks up beside me fascinated by the commotion and the chattering. “I couldn’t find anything, so I figured I’d join you down here.” I give him a nod and go back to concentrating. We’re in an area sightly hidden. Doing what we can to blend in with the other students.

Katerina has been mumbled a few more times as the name spreads through the crowd. The students are thoroughly fascinated that they might be witnessing something that has long been forgotten.

I’m leaning against the side of a wall, as Remy crosses his arms in front of him. The door to the administration building flies open as several armed guards rush out, whipping their heads back and forth, ensuring it’s safe as they charge out of the building.

A woman, older and classier than most of the students here stops right outside the door as a very red and tear stained face Taylor and her friend come out. I don’t remember her friend’s name, but I remember how enamored Remy was with her.

Both of us gasp, getting a better look at the woman as the three of them head down the stairs. A lot of students and the staff do the same. Not everybody can recognize a member ofThe Council,when you see one. I would bet my left nut that she’s got a tattoo on the back of her neck, which is a dead fucking giveaway.

I am one-hundred percent certain, especially after seeing that Counsil member, Taylor is Katerina.

“Fuck man, you’ve almost killed ‘The Fucking Ghost’s’ daughter.” I cringe slightly at least thankful that he only said it loud enough for me to hear.

I thought I was obsessed before, but now I’m in way over my fucking head. I was enamored with this girl before I knewwho she was. Her father, for most assassins, and others that partake in this type of business around the world, look up to this man. ‘The Ghost,’ no clue what his actual name is, he’s the freaking king of assassins. He has paved the way for most of us to continue working.

He’s been able to knock out a bunch of the shadier assassins that just kill for greed and whatever monotony is they might get. Some would kill for a fucking hit on a pipe.

Because of Taylor’s dad, assassins are more of an exclusive membership. A job that Remy and I are proud to have. Your name will always make you. If you do something stupid to get a few bucks, you will never make it. It takes years to get elite status, which Remy and I proudly wear, like a badge of fucking armor.

The athletic people mixed with some of the popular kids, plus the cheerleaders start to angrily stomp away. I laugh, the Santorin-bitch-heir yanks his phone up to his ear, most likely spouting off everything that’s happening, knowing that the daughter of ‘The Ghost’ is still alive.

I wonder, like everyone else here, where exactly is ‘The Ghost?’

If the Santorins had any part in their disappearance, their world is about to fall down. Maybe they’re the reason they had to disappear in the first place.

All I know is that I’m definitely gonna be here to lift her up when she’s down, at least high enough to get my dick in her.

Remy and I continue to make our way back, leisurely taking our time monitoring the students and trying to keep an eye out for Taylor and Eden. Those two have long since disappeared. The crowds are starting to dissipate as the shock wears off and the fact that several of the guards and admins are pushing them to go to class.

We don’t have much to go on, we got all our info by listening to the other students.

With the lingering students and taking our time listening, it takes us almost an hour to casually walk back to our dorm room that’s only three doors down from Taylor.

The hallways are empty as most people are out gossiping with the news they just heard. People are prominently stating that the princess has returned.

What would she be a princess of? The assassins or the mafia? If only she knew.

My cell phone goes off right as we enter the smaller dorm room. Remy taking off his boots as he lays his lazy ass down.

Ten million. Katerina Capponi.

“Well, fuck me,” I say out loud as Remy gives me a weird look sitting up. Seconds later he receives the same text message I do as we both move toward my laptop, placed on one of the desks for studying in this room.

Things just got one-hundred times more fucking interesting.

Why only her? Why not the whole family, or just ‘The Ghost’ himself?

