Page 33 of Hunted Heir

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Remy steps out of the Escalade at the same time I do, giving me an odd look. I know he’s been summing up our situation just as much as I have.

Taylor and her father get out as she looks around, locking eyes briefly with me. Startled, as I take this opportunity to give her one of my sweetest smiles. One that makes her shiver slightly.

Interesting, I think. I just want to dig into the layers of this woman to find out if that was in fear or excitement.

Both of our eyes snap toward Taylor as she releases some kind of cry and runs toward the woman that must’ve just appeared at the doorway. She throws her arms around her, this must be Tilly, Taylor’s mother. Her father is right behind as he bends down, talking to them in lowered voices and then nods in our direction.

The women go back inside as Antonio, ‘The freaking Ghost,’ Capponi heads toward me and Remy. This is it, the moment we’ve all been waiting for, I hear Remy’s voice stupidly filter through my head.

We’ve been in multiple positions like this and this is the shit he’s said. I have no idea how the hell we managed to always get out of the sticky situations, but we do.

Mr. Ghost doesn’t talk to us as he walks around another part of the property talking to some other guys.

Remy and I are escorted around the buildings where more guards are waiting. It looks like an older style shed that was probably once used as a garage, we are going to be stored here, like nonperishable food, waiting for ‘The Ghost’ himself to come and talk to us, or one of his higher-ups.

Neither one of us have our hands bound and we’re not strapped to some chair waiting for relentless questioning. Hemust want something from us, which is a lot better than him wanting to kill us.

Remy and I spent several minutes thoroughly looking through the garage trying to figure out our best way out of this mess, or a weapon, in case I’m wrong and the man has ill thoughts.

“He needs us,” I say to Remy as I sit down on a chair. There’s no reason for us to try to break out of here. We’ll be shot within a few seconds even if we do. Our best and safest bet is to bide our time and get down to the real reason why we’re here.

Footsteps are heard angrily stomping outside on the gravel. “Fix it, Xenia. My daughter has a fucking hit on her head. Fix it fucking now.” The man stops growling out as the door slams open and in walks Taylor’s dad.

Both Remy and I nod our heads and say, “Sir.” How can you not, this is ‘The freaking Ghost,’ this man is a legend from as long as I remember. Even to be in the same room with him when hopefully he doesn’t want to rip your head off is a dream come true. Remy and I actually studied a lot of his cases when we were first starting out. The ones we could find out any information on, which was very little.

Remy looks excited, he even knows that we are still not in the best position but this man in front of us is someone that we definitely look up to.

Antonio comes and stands in the middle of the room, with five guards strategically flanking him. He nods at one big man who looks to be in charge of all of the protection. That man in turn nods to the other guards that are there and they take off out the door, promptly locking it behind them.

“Reaper, Sloan Stallard and Remy Brooks,” Antonio states having memorized our names.

Remy was never big on taking a nickname, he always fought them off when people tried to give him one. The man has always loved his God-given name.

If I said Antonio knowing our names didn’t shock the hell out of us, I would be lying. For some reason this man has info on us when it should be very hard to find. He’s more powerful than I expected.

Antonio yanks one of the chairs toward him as it scratches and creaks over the cement floor. When it’s close enough, he flips it around and slams it down, sitting backwards in the chair but facing both of us dead on.

“Why haven’t you killed my daughter yet?” He asks, his patience wearing very thin. The tone is threatening like a father bearing down when you know your ass is grass. Even though we should be scared, that mother fucker Remy fucking giggles. He gives him a look then totally ignores the man I consider my brother.

“Do you still plan on killing my daughter?” Antonio is leaning closer, his hands grasped together above the chair.

“I don’t plan on it. I haven’t taken nor declined the job, yet. I was probably one of hundreds that it was sent to.” I take a deep breath gauging his reaction.

The man growls out and stands up, kicking the chair across the room. A boom of metal smashing against the metal garage door echoes out. I can only imagine the fear of the people who have been in these chairs, in front of this guy. I feel it deep in my bones but I taught myself so much over the years, one thing was how to bury it. Don’t let them know how scared you really are.

He starts to walk, pacing back and forth. “I’ve heard of you, theReaper. You don’t take innocent women or children, no matter how much the contract is for. You’re known to be true to your word.” He glances between both Remy and me. We both slightly nod, that is one thing we’ve always refused to do.

“I know that you both possess the skill set that most of my men have.” ‘The Ghost’ sits back down and smiles at me. “It looks like my daughter’s done a number on you?” Remy breaks out laughing. He chokes a couple times trying to swallow the laugh and make it silent.

Antonio nods to a guard who works his way over to the fridge in the corner, quickly grabbing out three bottles and giving one to me, Remy and his boss.

Antonio starts to flip through paperwork, reading several lines before looking back up at us. “You both have been in foster care since you were toddlers, and ran away at fifteen?” The man asks looking between both of us. The guards are still silent and maneuver throughout the room in practiced strategy.

Remy quickly jumps up, wanting that folder that Antonio has. “Relax son, I know what you’re looking for and unfortunately I don’t have it, yet.” Remy curls his fists then plops his ass back in the chair.

Remy and I have no idea where we come from, this is something that has plagued us our whole lives. Remy needs this more than I do, he needs a connection to other people and he desperately wants to find his family. He at least wants to find out why.

“Help me, and I’ll help you find out who you boys truly are. Someone didn’t want you to know and it’s buried very fucking deep.” He opens the folders and holds the only two pieces of paper that he has on us. “Someone wants you to stay hidden.” We both look at each other with wide eyes. We’ve had a hell of a time trying to figure out anything in our past, we’ve never been able to. It makes so much more sense if somebody’s been keeping it from us.
