Page 39 of Hunted Heir

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“Get out,” Sloan snaps at all of my friends, startling Pierce and Chance awake. Everyone looks very unsure of what to do. “Relax,” he spits out. “I need to talk to Taylor. Alone. Now.” The last part was thrown out as the guard blocking the door opens it patiently. Waiting for my friends to calmly exit the room.

“This is my room,” a very buzzed and extremely annoyed Eden shrieks out.

It doesn’t last long as Remy grabs her by the wrist, slightly dragging her out the door. My other friends, not so politely stagger after. Making sure to bitch several times before they land outside the door.

Within several minutes, the room is vacated except for Remy, Sloan and me.

“I had a feeling.” Dammit, did I state this out loud? “My father hired you. Why else would you be at the house?”

And obviously if they were here for malicious intent, the guards would’ve broken in, and tried to keep them from ransacking and looking around my room.

I sit down on my bed as Sloan nods and both him and Remy place their asses on Eden’s bed, thankfully giving me space from them. Still, being this close to them makes my hackles rise and honestly scares me.

This guy just killed a man, and now is gonna protect me from others that want to kill me. What the fuck is wrong with this world?

“I’m Sloan as I’m sure that you’ve heard already, and this is Remy.” I nod knowing who they are.

Sloan leans forward like Chance did earlier with his elbows on his knees. There’s only three feet of space in between both of the beds, so this lowers it down to half. He’s close.

“We will get you out of this alive, Taylor, but only if you listen.” I nod, what am I supposed to be listening to? Don’t stand in front of the gun. Got it, I’m fucking tired.

“I have rules that you will abide by.

Never go outside.

Never take a phone call you don’t know unless one of us are right there to listen.

Never give anybody information, especially that gives your real name if they are clueless and they don’t ask.

Don’t start fights that you can get out of. Fighting, even verbally or physically, will bring attention to yourself.” Remy throws Sloan a bottle of water that we had in a cooler by the wine bottles that are no longer there. Me and my friends drained five of those.

“We don’t want to end up with the situation of guards fighting against guards instead of going after the real perpetrator, who made the hit. Our job is to protect you. Remy and I are very fucking good at that. As long as you play by our rules, you’ll be okay.” Remy stupidly nods, happily agreeing with Sloan.

“Unless it’s the Santorins,” I whisper, knowing and having a feeling that while I’m in the school, these people will be the root of my problem. They’ll take their hate out on Antonio Capponi’s daughter.

I know that Cal hates me and obviously my family. I could feel it. Every time I’m around that asshole.

Sometimes you just don’t know exactly who your enemies are.

“Whatever we say goes. No matter what’s fucking going on at the time. If we say jump under the fucking bed, you jump under the fucking bed. We say run, you run. You do what we tell you at all times.” I nod as images flash through my head, dirty images of Sloan spitting orders and making me do things.

There is no way this is gonna work. I’m in complete denial and shock that my bodyguard is going to be the man that I’ve been trying to run from for the past couple weeks.

I told my father what happened. What the hell’s wrong with him to make these killers want to babysit me?

I put my head down as my fingers, with practiced precision, dial my dad’s cell phone number.

“Everything okay?” My father answered on the second ring.

“No. You hired assassins to protect me. The same guys that have been hunting me, and killed the governor’s kid.” I’m staring straight at Sloan while I speak, listening to Remy laugh.

“I don’t have long to talk, I know you’re upset and I understand. I’ve been following them the whole time these guys were after you. There is no way I would’ve let them get closeto you,” my father says, exhaustion ripping through the phone. In my mind, I see him running his hand over his face like he normally does.

“He could’ve taken you out weeks ago, but he didn’t do anything. These gentlemen sat on a well-paid hit.” He forgot to say that one of them wants me. I see the way Sloan looks at me and I know my dad is thinking the same thing but he doesn’t say it. It would be dangerous for him to. I could use that to my advantage.

“I trust them with your safety right now, I’m good at reading people, Taylor. Call me if you have any problems.”

“I will,” I state as my father hangs up. I believe my dad more than anybody else. I will do what he wants me to do.
