Page 38 of Hunted Heir

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This time as we embark from the parking lot and trek the short distance to the campus dorm rooms, I keep my head down. I’m not interested in all the stares. Suddenly, the charity case has a shit ton of guards around her.

I want to get upstairs into what I know is my bed. Where I can lay down and zone out the rest of the world. The place that my parents have that everybody keeps referring to as the compound is uncomfortable as fuck. I know it’s making my mother’s skin crawl even though she says she has a migraine. I imagine she’s getting others to help her clean.

When the door closes behind them and I’m finally alone, I yank off the clothes I’ve been wearing for two days and throw on a pair of comfortable leggings and a tight band T-shirt leaving my feet bare. I’m dressed for maybe five minutes, just startingto relax and looking for any homework I might have missed as I hear a commotion outside the door.

Eden uses her key as the door swings open hard, hitting on the rubber door stopper and then bouncing back off, slightly scaring the crap out of me.

Knowing that the guards were going to be there outside my door all the time was slightly awkward. I’m just grateful that they’re not forcing me to move somewhere else.

With everything that’s happening, I need to remain as normal and as focused as possible.

Just days ago I was incredibly poor, barely scraping by and now I can buy a small island.

Eden rushes by me and plops down on her bed. The guards recommended that we didn’t stay here last night because of the amount of danger we’re all in. I think my bestie is just happy to have her bed back.

I know they can see the exhaustion on my face after they all give me a tight squeeze, the inquisition is coming very soon.

All eyes are on me, Pierce with a smirk and Eden with downcast eyes. Joss is even looking my way, but she’s attentive with her ears open, not wanting to miss anything.

“Okay, fine. Ask away.” I’m exhausted and really would love to sleep for at least twelve hours, but the energy leaking off of these fools is insane. I know they just want to pepper me with questions.

In a synchronized moment, they all sit their asses down. Joss sits next to me as Eden, Pierce, and Chance occupy her bed.

“Anything else happen since you’ve been away from us?” Pierce snaps out, leaning closer with his arms on his knees. I shake my head no.

“I’m shocked that they let you stay here. Wouldn’t they feel safer if you’re at the house with them?” Eden asks this time.

“All the guards that are here swear this place is more protected and powerful than the colonial my dad found. Not even with just my guards, people would be stupid to try to come and get me here.” Which they would be. My face turns slightly sour as I realize that Sloan and Remy were doing exactly that, but for somebody else.

“How many guards are here? Is there a limit to the amount?” For some reason Chance has always been enamored by the number of guards that we use. His parents don’t do this as much, but they’re not as big up in the world as others are, different territory.

“I think I have twenty.” My eyebrows pinch together because honestly, I’m not sure. Does it matter? “I have no idea how many one person can have. I imagine that the number would be limited, especially if they’re not in danger.”

“Do they all look like Ace?” Chance spits this out, barely taking a breath, causing the rest of us to blow up in exhausted giggles. The man sure does love his guards.

Thankfully Eden, my savior, hands me a glass and a bottle of aged wine that she snagged from what now is considered my family compound.

My head feels like it’s loaded and on the verge of exploding from all the questions. I don’t think twice about anything as I take a huge gulp of the very expensive wine.

“Only this?” I ask as I hold up the bottle.

Eden shakes her head and then smiles, pointing over by the door to the dorm room. There are four more bottles over there. “Awesome,” I say quietly not even meaning to at first but I could really use that right now.

The five of us sit in a haphazard circle, between the beds using both beds and the desk to lean back upon. We pass around the bottles of wine for the next few hours reminiscing on the short amount of time that we’ve all had together.

I’ve known all of these guys for less than two months and it feels like we’ve been friends for life. The small group in front of me understands me just as much as I understand them.

Pierce and Chance have closed their eyes and are leaning back against the bed. Their hands have still managed to find each other as they try to rest for several minutes. It’s almost midnight and all of us are fucking exhausted. What a long day.

The door pounds with very little notice as it flies open. At least there was a slight knock that someone was coming in.

Shuffling is heard before Sloan and Remy make themselves known. Ace told me their names earlier, I was curious when we were at the house. At least now I can put a name to the deadly faces.

Remy is energetic and overly happy as he spots all five of us wasted, sitting on the floor. Reaper shakes his head as both men start looking around.

They check crevices which there really aren’t any, and under the bed. Poking through the closet looking for any signs of danger. This should have been done hours ago.

Remy stops halfway through as he notices Eden’s eyes had been planted on him. I know that man wants to check all the crevices that my girl has.
