Page 51 of Hunted Heir

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“Pretty damn bad.” She rubs her head as she speaks the words.

“Remy and your friends are going to stop on their way back and get some pain medication for you.” I start shuffling around in the truck, looking in the compartment in between the seats, luckily finding a bottle of ibuprofen that she gratefully accepts.

We slowly make our way back up to the dorm room, followed and surrounded by guards who are not taking chances. The threat is real. It was real the whole time, we just haven’t been as focused as we should’ve been.

When we reach the room, she goes in and lays down on the bed. One of the guards brings in a bag of ice. Taylor maneuversto her side, letting the ice cover and hopefully ease the pain from the lump that doesn’t belong there.

The commotion in the hallway several minutes later causes Taylor to moan from the incessant knocking and causes me to jump up, pushing my way out the door.

Taylor’s friends are standing out there with bags of pain reliever and soup, hoping to make their friend feel better. I also notice the bag of expensive wine and whiskey that Pierce is trying to conceal.

“Nope,” I say as I grab the bags with the medication and food from them. “Taylor needs to be alone now. Her head is killing her and we need complete silence.”

The sadness comes in waves, especially from Eden who I know wants to be in there with her friend, but this girl needs quiet. She’ll start worrying about them, only focusing on if they’re okay and not about getting herself healthy again.

I don’t even look back as I head back into the dorm room closing the door promptly behind me. The two guards that are stationed out there cover the entrance with their bodies, as I hear the sad shuffling of her friends feet walk away. Holy shit, it’s only for one night.

“That smells so good.” It actually smells like shit, whatever’s in this bag. I make a face and Taylor laughs. “One of the restaurants by the school serves spinach soup that’s so good, here, try it.”

I shake my head no and sit on Eden’s bed watching the girl slurp down the soup hungrily. It was nice of her friends to do that for her instead of getting her a cheeseburger and French fries, which she’ll probably still want.

“This changes things.” She nods, having no clue what I’m talking about, just trying to snarf down her food. “You and I will be stuck at the hip now until all the shit is done and gone. If you have to pee, I have to pee.”

Her eyes are wide, looking at me as an evil smile engulfs her face, knowing that she’s up to something. “If I fuck a football player, does that mean you fuck a football player, too?”

“If he used his gun, Taylor, you wouldn’t be here right now with only a lump on your head. From now on you can consider your life in my hands. We will not do anything unless I approve of it.”

The spoon clatters back down on the little desk they have. Not making very much noise because it’s a plastic spoon.

“Not once have I directly followed orders like that from anybody. I’m a grown ass fucking woman. If I want to go shopping, I will go fucking shopping. Nobody tells me what to do,” she snaps out with a growl, holding her head up, but only for a few seconds before she dives back into her food.

This is a fight that she definitely isn’t going to win. I always get what I want and I want her by my side and fucking alive.

If I have to shit, shower, shave and even fucking sleep with her, then so fucking be it. For now, I’ll let her believe she’s in charge, just until she gets over her headache. I’ve already had these changes approved with her father. It was easy after what happened today.

After tonight she has no fucking clue how much her life’s gonna change, hopefully she gets on board fast and tries not to make everybody’s life a living hell.

She’ll end up being the only one that’s suffering.
