Page 20 of Fool's Desire

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"I'd love to forget Joel!" she snarked back at him, ignoring the rest of his observation.

"Then do that!" Jake exclaimed. "You can start by accepting the truth about your own sexuality, and maybe that will allow you to move forward. You don't just pretend to be a submissive, Desi. The things you shared with Joel worked because you are submissive. It's not something you turn on or off, it's just something that is."

Desi frowned. Jake made a good argument. What if he was right? What if the reason she was so hung up on Joel was just the kink? If that was true, then she might finally be able to set herself free.

Jake could see Desi was wavering and turned on his full, persuasive charm.

"No strings, Desi. Just come along and see how you feel about being in the scene again. It won't take long for you to work out whether it turns you on or leaves you cold. You don't have to play…unless you decide you want to, of course." He waggled his eyebrows and Desi shook her head in droll exasperation. "But at least, it will have answered your questions."

"Answered your questions, you mean," she answered sarcastically. "I never had any!"

"I don't have any questions, either," Jake replied smugly. "I already know the answers. So, will you come?" He leaned against her desk with both his arms and ankles crossed, the epitome of nonchalance, as if he had no particular care, either way.

What could possibly go wrong? Desi wondered. It wouldn't be her first excursion to a sex club, and it wasn't like she was going to participate, just have a look around and see if it did anything for her. She had to admit that she was more than a little intrigued by Jake's assertion that she really was a submissive and that she needed the kink to partake in a fulfilling sex life. If that was the case, then she might just be opening the door to the rest of her life.

Desi burst into motion, grabbing her briefcase and handbag and nodding briskly before she could change her mind. Jake grinned and unfolded himself from his deceptively casual position and made swift arrangements to pick her up as they made their way down to the foyer.

"Don't forget to dig out your best fetwear!" he reminded as they left the building. "And I'll bring along a collar, in case you want to use it." He winked as he waved goodbye.

Chapter Thirteen

Desi felt the flutter of butterflies in her stomach as they signed in at the front desk of 'Perversions'. Who on earth had thought up that name? she wondered with mild distaste. The club required membership, which Jake had filed, but their screening process wasn't as thorough as Club Risqué and the clientele less exclusive. The differences didn't end there. The place had a distinct industrial feel, quite unlike the excessive luxury of the other club, but as they made their way through the spartan lounge area towards the bar, Desi found that she rather liked it, since it gave this club a rather more youthful vibe.

The lounge area edged a packed dance floor, where the pulsating rhythm of grime music churned out. The heavy pulse thudded through her frame like a heartbeat and the throng of bodies on the dance floor writhed sinuously together like a vast, undulating wave.

The self-consciousness Desi had felt when Jake picked her up, at being dressed so scantily, had eased now that they were inside the club. In fact, her metallic bronze coloured corset and chocolate suede boy shorts were actually rather modest in comparison to the non-existent outfits and partial nudity that surrounded her. Eleven years ago, she would have worn a skimpy silk and lace chemise without any underwear to cover her perfectly waxed pussy and her face would have been makeup free.

Tonight, she'd painted on her makeup with a heavy hand, using thick black kohl eyeliner and a shiny copper lipstick, her mask still well and truly in place. She'd released her hair from its usual severe twist, but still wasn't comfortable leaving it completely wild, so she'd piled it into a loose topknot that had little tendrils escaping around her face to soften the look. Her appearance was nowhere near the tousled, ingénue guise of the old Daisy, but she suspected than no one who knew the dignified, professional Desirae would recognise her, either.

Jake had presented her with a rather decorative collar of black lace with double drapes of black chain curving in several dainty swags and meeting at a small silver padlock at the centre. It felt almost like a necklace, and Desi appreciated Jake's perception that a more substantial collar would have made her feel far too trapped and awkward. Plus, she welcomed the modicum of protection it provided. Of course, it wouldn't prevent certain Doms from asking Jake if he would share her, but at least it eliminated the possibility of having to deal with anyone directly. All Doms understood that it was completely unacceptable to approach a collared sub and it would certainly have consequences that none would want to pay. Clubs in this very marginal sector stuck together; they had their own exclusive network and any Dom found guilty of poaching would find himself outcast from every reputable club.

Desi clung to Jake's hand, still too apprehensive to make her way alone, and noted the many appreciative stares he attracted as they made their way through the crowd. He looked undeniably sexy in brown leather trousers and a matching waistcoat over his bare, muscular chest. His signature signal whip was coiled and hooked into his belt loop and she felt a pang of guilt that her presence would probably prevent him from playing this evening. She made a mental note to have a quiet word with him about that eventuality; she was sure they could come up with some kind of ruse if he wanted to indulge. It would be acceptable for him to find an unattached sub to join them, but it would look odd if she didn't participate, herself. Maybe they could portray her as a recalcitrant brat who was being punished by having to watch her master with another sub…that wouldn't be outside the realms of appropriateness.

"What do you want to do first?" Jake shouted to make himself heard. "Dance, catch a scene or get a drink?"

Desi looked around her. Yeah, maybe a little Dutch courage might be in order just to relax her a bit.

"Let's head for the bar," she pointed.

Jake inclined his head and strode in the direction she had gestured. It was a little quieter over there.

"Two drink limit," he told her as they waited.

Desi nodded, it was a fairly standard practice in BDSM circles. It wasn't safe to play under the influence of alcohol.

As Desi started to relax and took in the sounds and scenes all around her, her gaze settled on a vaguely familiar man who was heading in their direction. She frowned as she struggled to place him. He was good looking in a mild-mannered sort of way and had smiling but distinctive amber coloured eyes which elevated his looks from modest to striking. His honey brown hair reached to his shoulders with a slight wave and the overall effect reminded her of a lion. He wasn't as tall as Jake and had a leaner build, but she couldn't shake off the impression that she knew him. As he drew closer, the Dom grinned at Jake, and Desi realised that he was followed by Connor Griffin.

She frowned as old memories coalesced. She was more used to seeing him with his hair tied back and in a pair of glasses which gave him a serious, studious look, but Desi remembered that he'd never worn them at the club. The man approaching them was none other than Logan Thornton.

An uneasy feeling stole through Desi as Logan stopped in front of them and clapped Jake on the shoulder in greeting. These were three of the four men interested in buying the club they stood in and Desi couldn't help the ensuing paradox of both anticipation and dread that shuddered through her that she might find herself encountering Joel, as well. She'd expected tonight to be rather more anonymous and she wasn't sure she was ready to share the experience with people who actually knew her, no matter how casually.

Jake felt her stiffen and reached an arm around her waist, pulling her close to his side.

"Did you set me up?" Desi muttered under her breath just loud enough for him to hear.

Jake lowered his mouth to her ear. "Of course not, you know me better than that. I wouldn't do that to you," he chided. "The guys knew I was planning to check the place out and Logan and Connor were keen to come along, but they didn't think they could make it."

"What about him?" Jake didn't pretend not to understand. He gave her a reassuring squeeze.
