Page 26 of Twisted Iron

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“He helped,” I answered with disgust. “You should know we don’t plan to let him live.” It was the least brutal way to inform her that we planned to kill him. I just needed to be sure the cult and its members were exposed first. “That package lists all the current members and their information. It’s critical we get it back.”

“I understand.” Her hand trembled as she dialed Amelia’s number. A shaky breath filled her lungs as I watched her chest rise and fall.

I heard the line ring twice before an anxious female voice answered.

“Hello? Henny, is that you?”

“Hi, Amelia. We need to talk.”

“HI, AMELIA. WE NEEDto talk.”

My gut churned with what I’d learned from Devil. The horrible knowledge of this cult and what they’d done was nothing compared to the reality.

I knew in ways I could never admit.

“Henny! Tell me they aren’t hurting you.” She sounded panicked and something else. . .like guilty.

“No. I’ve been confined to a room, but no one touched me.”

“Oh, thank God.”

“Listen,” I began, pacing Devil’s office. “They told me what’s in that package.”

I heard her sharp intake of breath. “They did?”

She didn’t ask why, and I thought it was odd.

“Do you know what’s in it?” I asked, hoping she didn’t.

“Is this line secure?”

“I’m talking to you on a burner phone.”

Devil pierced me with his gaze, holding a finger to his lips.

Nodding, I understood that I wasn’t to mention he was in the room with me.

“You’re alone?”

“Yeah,” I lied with a wince.

“I know what’s in the package,” she admitted. “I checked after Homer left.”

Wait. What?

My legs buckled from underneath me as I sank to the floor on my knees. Shock, disappointment, and anger all vied for my attention. She lied. Amelia let these bikers take me. She never fought to keep me safe. Wow.

Devil joined me on the floor, searching my face for the truth.

She lied,I mouthed to him.

His grim nod followed. Devil wasn’t surprised. He knew she had hidden the package and pretended not to know what they were looking for.

“You let them take me?” I asked, finally able to speak. “Why would you do that?”

“I had to protect Josie. I’m sorry, Henny.” I could hear Amelia’s voice breaking over the line. “She’s only eleven. I couldn’t let them take her.”

“I don’t understand.”
