Page 5 of Charm and Conquer

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"Asher?" a woman says.

"Grant's friend. The one trying to buy your gym," another woman says.

I press myself against the wall, fully invested in eavesdropping now. Obviously, that's Clover in there, talking about me. And she's convinced some other delusional fool that the gym is already as good as hers.

"Oh, him," Clover says. "He doesn't seem like a threat."

"I should hope not," the other woman says with a laugh. "We're all rooting for you to get the gym and stay here in town. Dani said he's not a bad-looking guy."

Clover snorts. "He's got a lot of muscles, if you're into that sort of thing. He's nothing more than a goofy golden retriever of a guy. Probably wouldn't have any idea what to do with the gym, even if he got it."

Not needing to hear any more, I detach myself from the wall and hurry to the ballroom. I've wasted enough time on Clover Weston and lost enough sleep over her too. She's an idiot if she thinks I'm going to roll over and let her have the gym.

Golden retriever. I snort. First time I've been called that. And, sweetheart, there are plenty of women who love my big muscles.

In fact, I see one now, waving at me from her spot next to the refreshment table.

"Sorry about that," I say as soon as I'm next to her. "I need to head out to check on my parents."

She sticks out her lower lip in a pout. "Oh, no. I hope they're okay."

"They're fine. They just need me to run an errand for them." I offer her my hand. "I'm Asher, by the way. Asher Aldridge."

"I know. My grandmother is Millie. She's been singing your praises for weeks now." She takes my hand. "Polly Stillwood. I'd love to see you again when you have more time to talk."

I pull my hand slowly from Polly's. Millie has told me all about her amazing granddaughter, who's in college and is only nineteen years old. I've got nothing against an age difference, but I'm twenty-seven. Way too old to date a teenager, even if there's just eight years between us. "I thought you said you're in grad school?"

She frowns. "MeMaw's been talking about me? I told her not to mention my age."

I take a step back. "You wanted me to think you're older than you are?"

She rolls her eyes, and I suddenly wonder how I didn't see it before. She's just barely out of diapers and I feel far older than my twenty-seven years. I've seen things she probably doesn't even believe exist. "Boys my age are so dumb. And MeMaw says you're an amazing, mature man. I want to date a man."

"I can appreciate that, but that man isn't going to be me."

I spin on my heel and hurry out of that ballroom before a bad decision can attach itself to me. I'm in such a hurry, I almost run right into Grant Holiday and his girlfriend Dani.

"Whoa, buddy," Grant says. "Where's the fire?"

I swallow hard. "I almost asked out a nineteen-year-old."

"What the hell did you do that for?" Grant asks, eyes wide.

"She told me she's in grad school. I only figured it out because—"

Clover steps out from behind Grant and smirks up at me.

"I've got to get going. Thanks for the invite, man," I say to Grant, blatantly ignoring Clover. "Great party, Dani. I hope you raise a million dollars."

"You should stay," Dani says. "We're about to start a game, and Clover could use a partner."

"No thanks. I've got a few things I need tofetchfor my folks." I look pointedly at Clover, but she doesn't seem to get it. "I've been working like adog, and I'm exhausted." I stare at Clover, speaking slowly.

Her cheeks flame red and she frowns like she knows I overheard her and actually feels bad about it.

Grant clears his throat and gives me a confused look. I shake my head. "Stop by Riverside later if you want a drink. We got some new nonalcoholic craft beer in last week."

"Can't tonight." He wraps an arm around Dani's shoulders. "I'm on clean-up detail when this thing is over. Let me know the next time you're working, though, and I'll come by. I owe Dani another chance to beat me at darts."
