Page 100 of Pretend and Propose

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Daisy’s in my arms and in my bed, holding her hand up to admire her ring. It looks perfect on her finger and my pulse pounds a little harder every time I see it. In less than twenty-four hours I’ve gone from the sheer misery of missing her to having her in my arms, my fiancée for real this time.

“I love it so much,” she says. “How did you know?”

The ring is an antique, a center diamond with a circle of smaller diamonds and a delicate filigree band. “You told me.”

She turns to lie on her side, her cheek on my chest, looking up at me. “I don’t remember that.”

“It was six years ago. We were wandering through an antique store and you pointed it out. You said, ‘if I ever get married, that’s the ring I want.’ I was so mad I didn’t have it with me when we got married in Vegas.”

She looks at the ring again. “You bought this six years ago? You better be glad I already said yes, because you’re starting to seem like a real creeper.”

I laugh. “I was going to give it to you for Christmas, but then we both got busy with school and it seemed like too much for a Christmas present, so I just held onto it. I always wanted to marry you, but even I’m not confident enough that you’d have said yes, that I would have bought the ring planning to propose.”

She turns her head and presses a kiss to the center of my chest. Warmth fills me, my heart expanding like it’s growing bigger with love for her. I never knew it was possible to love someone this much.

“Let’s go back to Vegas,” she says. “Keating can fly us all out on his private jet and we can do it right this time.”

“Let’s do it.” I want to ask her when, but I don’t want to push.

“I don’t have a dress,” she says, contemplatively. “But we can probably find something in Vegas. I’m going to go tell Mom and Goldy. They’ll help figure everything out.” She climbs out of bed and starts pulling on clothes. “I should probably tell Keating, too. Doesn’t he need to submit a flight plan?”

I can barely breathe. “Are you talking about tomorrow? You want to get married tomorrow?”

She pauses with her t-shirt around her neck like a scarf and sits on the edge of the bed. “Is that too soon? That’s too soon.”She grimaces. “Shit. I got excited about the ring and being your wife. It’s a wacky idea, right?”

I take her hand and move around to sit on the edge of the bed next to her. “I’ll marry you right now if that’s what you want, but you weren’t even sure about dating me for real. If you’re rushing into this because you think it’s what I want, you don’t have to. I’ll be happy to marry you whenever you’re ready.”

She smiles, her eyes watery. “I have to lock you down now before you change your mind.”

I cup her face in one hand, my love for her filling every cell of my body. “I’m never going to change my mind. I’ve never regretted marrying you the first time, and I won’t regret it the second.”

A tear streaks down her cheek. “I love you, Noah. I want to be your wife more than anything and once we’ve decided, why should we wait?”

My eyes sting, and happiness clogs my throat. “I love you so much. Let’s get married in Vegas tomorrow.”


I want to make her this happy every day for the rest of my life. “Hell yes, baby.”
