Page 75 of Pretend and Propose

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“It’s not funny. Put me down.”

I pull out of her and set her on her feet. I can’t resist kissing her as she pulls her pants back up, so it’s my fault Dani sees my naked ass when she walks in.

She squeaks. “And I’m leaving.”

“Sorry about that,” I yell as Daisy hurries after her sister, swatting my ass as she passes.

I pull my pants and boxers up quickly and find Daisy just outside the barn, her cheeks bright red as she talks to her sister about a possible practice session for the band later.

I kiss Daisy’s cheek. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Her smile is so sweet it hurts.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Walking into Lovemore Books feels like walking the plank. Gloria asked me to come in before everyone else arrived and the place is as silent as a tomb. The absence of happy voices and clicking keyboards makes me realize how much I’ve come to love working here.

Lovemore Publishing is run the way a business should be, and it comes from the top. Joy cares about the people who work here and genuinely loves books. She wants the company to succeed, but not at the expense of the employees or authors.

I never thought I’d say this, but I could see myself working here for the long-haul. I freeze as that thought hits me. Of course now, when I’ve lost the opportunity to work here, is when I’d realize how much I might like to.

It’s just as well. I can’t be stuck in small-town Catalpa Creek working for a tiny boutique publishing house for the rest of my life, even if I could curate my own department of literature.

Losing this job will give me the motivation I need to find a way to get my job back at Tenth Avenue.

Gloria’s tapping away at her keyboard, and I don’t disturb her as I set up my laptop on the desk that has finally arrived for me. It’s basic, but functional. And the desk chair with it is incredibly comfortable. It’s too bad I won’t get to enjoy it.

“I’m not going to apologize,” I say.

Gloria keeps tapping away for several long moments before she turns and faces me, narrowing her eyes.

“I wouldn’t accept an apology. I want to know why you did it. What’s Tenth Avenue Books offering you?”

“Just my job back.” I sit and spin my chair to face her. “I quit because they didn’t promote me when I’d earned it. I regretted quitting a few days later, but they wouldn’t take me back.”

She steeples her fingers under her chin and studies me. I don’t want to think about what she sees. “So you had no intention of staying here long term.”

“I didn’t know for sure if Tenth Avenue would—“ I sigh, feeling so exhausted. “No. I had no intention of staying. My entire goal in getting a job here was to get a meeting with Cynthia Bennett so I could convince her to work for Tenth Avenue Books.”

“How’d that work out for you?” There’s no cruelty in Gloria’s tone, even though I absolutely deserve it.

“I know it was wrong. Everyone here is so kind and helpful, and I took advantage of you all.”

“So, why’d you do it?” Gloria narrows her eyes. “You don’t strike me as a sociopath, so what made you step over that line?”

My throat goes tight. “All I’ve ever wanted is to rise to the top of a big five publishing house in the best city in the world. I’ve worked so damn hard for so long and it doesn’t matter what I do or how many great authors I bring in, I can’t rise higher because I hate golf and I don’t want to play politics.”

She nods. “You turned to the dark side because you think it’s the only way to get ahead.”

“Isn’t it?”

She purses her lips and looks over my shoulder, thinking about it. “It’s definitely one way to get ahead, and it works for some people. During my years in New York, I worked at three of the big five publishing houses, because the grass alwaysseemed greener somewhere else. Maybe the problem isn’t you, sweetheart. Maybe the problem is the culture at Tenth Avenue Books or in your department. Maybe you just need to go somewhere else.”

“That feels like giving up. Tenth Avenue is the best, and I want to work for the best.”

There’s sympathy in her gaze when she nods slowly. “I understand. I wish I could tell you the secret to getting back there, but you’re going to have to figure it out for yourself.”
