Page 48 of My Curvy Rival

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“I don’t blame you for Denny giving the drugs to JP. But you knew.”

“And look at you now, running a hot-shot gym.”

“Jesus, Kai. I had to work my ass off for everything I have today and regain my reputation. The one thing that meant the most to me was smeared. The media claimed I knew about the steroids, that I took advantage of JP, and you allowed that lie to persist. To save your own ass, you let me take the fall. I lost my clients, and still you didn’t speak up until Denny got caught and the truth came out.”

“What did you want me to do, rat Denny out for dealing? He was my friend!”

“And I’m your brother!”

“I know. But I was scared of getting charged too for being an accomplice.”

“You could have confided in me. We would have figured it out together. But I think a part of you found some kind of satisfaction in seeing me suffer.”

“Yeah, maybe,” he admits.

I always suspected it, but his confirmation still hurts. “All because I had a father that you wanted?”

“Not just that. You were good enough to play hockey at Concordia. I never had that ability. You got a degree. You always made Mom proud. Teachers compared us. Even years after, they still remembered you and found me lacking. ‘Why can’t you be more like your brother?’ I couldn’t excel at anything. So I got into trouble because that was something I could do better than you. But I always felt like an insignificant piece of shit in your impressive shadow. Even after you lost everything, you still managed to pull yourself back up and outshine me. I know you have every reason to hate me?—”

“I don’t hate you, Kai. But, being envious of me will only keep you stuck and fucking miserable. You don’t need to be me or follow in my shoes or excel at getting into trouble. Find your own path. With all that charm and your smarts, you can achieve great things if you put your mind to it.”

“You really think so?”

“Yeah, I always have.”

“Do I still have a job?”


“Shit! Can I at least have a few months? Mom’s like, really pissed. She’s probably going to throw me out.”

“I doubt that. But I’ll give you two months’ notice. Then, once you find another job, you might want to get your own place.”

“Yeah, maybe.” He finally looks up at me. “I’m sorry, Leo, for everything. Like, really, man. I know I’ve been a shit brother, but I’m going to do better. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

Whether it’s genuine or not, only time will tell with Kai.

He rises from the chair and I anticipate a handshake, but he surprises me with a hug. I stand there rigidly before finally allowing my arms to come around him.

Where this will lead, who knows. But for today, it’s a start.



“LET’S DO THIS, MY FABULOUS queens. Swerve those curves like you mean it,” I shout into the mic, leading my last class of the evening with the full energy they deserve. It was the thought of these amazing women that had gotten me out of bed this morning.

But once I’m alone, tidying up the studio and putting away the equipment, my mind travels back again to seeing Leo on the couch, his face bruised and his mood deeply troubled. I wanted to stay and offer him comfort, to be there for him. Yet, caught up in my own emotions, I let his words, perhaps spoken out of stress and shock, wound me. How could Leo believe I genuinely love him when I walked away so easily?

Lost in my feels, I wipe down the mirrors. Zay said Leo probably just needed time, but what if that’s not the case? What if Leo thinks I just couldn’t handle it or didn’t care enough to stick around? Leaving at the first sign of trouble would only confirm his worries that I was too young.

I put away the cleaning supplies and wash up. I check the time on my phone. Leo would probably be home or on his way there by now. But what if he doesn’t want to see me?Girl, please,I scold myself. Since when has the fear of rejection stopped me? If Leo sends me away, I’ll pick up my broken heart and eventually move on. I’ll survive. But what I won’t survive is living with the regret of not fighting for us.

Throwing a sweatshirt over my tank, I grab my bag and rush to the door. As I open it, my momentum is abruptly halted by a familiar wall of muscle, strong hands, and a deep voice.

“In a hurry, Sweet Pea?”

My bag drops to the floor. I stand there, afraid to blink for fear that he might vanish away in a puff of my imagination. But when Leo cups my face and presses his lips to mine, I know from the feverish heat that ignites through me, this can’t be an illusion.
