Page 6 of My Curvy Rival

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“It’s fine. I’m teaching a class at 8:00.”

“I figured you might be. Listen…um,” he sounds sheepish. “I know my brother, Leo, came to see you about the flyers. I should have checked with him first, but I honestly didn’t think it would be an issue. He said you weren’t competition.”

Ouch. It stings just as much hearing it the second time. “I’m well aware of how little your brother thinks of my gym.”

“Don’t mind Leo. He has a narrow view on exercise and life in general. If it’s not conventional, regimented, or disciplined, he dismisses it. He’s worse than a drill sergeant.”

“He doesn’t sound like much fun.”

“I don’t call him Brother Grim for nothing,” he chuckles. “Anyway, I wanted to apologize for putting you in the middle of that situation.”

“You lied to me, Kai.”

“I know. I’m truly sorry, Jazz. It was stupid. All I can say is that I didn’t think you’d be impressed to hear I work inmembership sales because my brother doesn’t trust me with a bigger role.”

“That’s awful.” I hear the hurt in his voice, and it makes me dislike Leo even more. “Why doesn’t he trust you?”

“Who knows? He’s got some serious trust issues.”

“I got a glimpse of that. He must have really laid into you about the flyers.”

“You don’t know the half of it. He threatened to fire me.”

“What?” I gape in shock. “I can understand him being upset with you. But that’s extreme.”

“That’s Leo,” he sighs heavily. “I’m used to it.”

“Well, you shouldn’t have to get used to being treated that way. And for future reference, you don’t have to make up things to impress me. I wouldn’t judge anyone based on their job or status. Membership sales is important work; you’re the first face of the gym and you bring customers in.”

“Thanks for saying that, Jazz.”

“It’s true. Your brother should appreciate that.”

“I’m long past trying to impress Leo. But let’s not talk about him anymore. It’s not worth it.”

Poor guy. I don’t have any siblings, but I know from the dance world what it’s like to feel constantly belittled. Now I understand why Kai felt the need to lie and boost himself up. “Thank you for the call and your apology.”

“I was hoping you might let me make it up to you by taking you out.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to. Take advantage of my grovelling, please.”

“Maybe.” I laugh. “What did you have in mind?”

“There’s this place called The Zone. Drinks, some dancing. You like to dance, right?”

“I do, yeah.”

“It’s got a great vibe and good crowd on Friday nights. I know the DJ.”

I slide my gaze over to Zay, who’s been munching on his bagel and listening intently. “He wants to take me out,” I mouth silently. “To The Zone.”

“Do you want to go?” he mouths back.

I put the call on mute. “Will you come? I don’t want him to think it’s a date-date, but I’d feel bad saying no. He sounds kinda sad about Leo being such an ass to him, and I do believe he’s sorry for lying to me.”

“Okay. If you think the guy’s on the up and up, I’m down with going out. We both could use a fun night.”

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