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I could feel her moans vibrating through her lips against mine, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me tighter against her. With my tongue dancing inside her mouth, I felt her hands reach down and grip the bulge in my pants, massaging it with a gentle pressure that sent electric shocks throughout my body. I could feel the heat radiating from between her legs, and I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

I gently slid my hand up her shirt, tracing her skin with my fingertips. I could feel the goosebumps rise along her arm as I moved higher until I reached her breast, gently squeezing it while my thumb brushed across her nipple, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through her body. She moaned into my mouth, and I felt her hands move to the front of my pants, fumbling for the zipper.

As I bent her over the dressing table, she quickly undid my belt and pulled my pants off, revealing my erect cock straining against my underwear. I could tell by her breathing that she was getting excited. I slowly traced the outline of her sex with my finger and slid it inside her. She gasped loudly, and I could feel her juices start to soak my fingers. I continued to slide my fingers in and out of her, and I could feel her muscles tighten around them. She was soaking wet, and I could tell that she was ready for me.

I removed my fingers and gently ran them over her clit, causing her to let out a loud moan. She grabbed my cock and guided it to her opening. Slowly, I pushed myself into her, and she let out a sound of pure ecstasy. I slowly slid my cock in and out of her, enjoying the sensation of her tight channel gripping me.

After a minute or two, I started to pick up speed, thrusting harder and faster, and she began to moan louder and louder. I turned her around, and she leaned against the mirror, supporting herself on her elbows. I placed my hands on her hips and started to pump my length into her, fucking her harder and deeper.

I cupped her breast from behind, pinching her nipple and rubbing her clit at the same time. Her moans became more frequent, and her body started to shake. She was close to coming, and I picked up the pace even more, pounding into her. I could feel her orgasm approaching.

Her gaze met mine in the mirror. Wild and unfocused. Her lips were forming my name over and over, unable to give sound to the syllables. I saw the moment she came. Her eyes went blank, her mouth opened in a wide O. Then her head fell forward, hanging from the frame of her shoulders.

Moments later, I exploded deep inside her with one final thrust. We both collapsed onto the floor, spent and exhausted.

“So,” Layla said moments later, rolling into me. “About that coffee.”



Iwoke up in the night, the nausea working its way up from my toes to my throat. Not wanting to wake Aiden, I transferred my weight from the mattress to the floor in painfully slow increments, then tiptoed to the bathroom. The cool marble tiles felt delicious as I sank down onto them, like they were pulling whatever this was out of my body through my pores. And then the nausea regrouped and surged its way up from my abdomen to my throat.

Half an hour later, when it had finally subsided, I splashed water on my face and made my way back to bed. I could tell by Aiden’s deep, even breathing that he hadn’t been disturbed by my exit from our bed. I was glad, but I was also disappointed. My heart was beating triple time, and I wanted to slide up against him and feel his strong arm curl around me.

Are you sure he’s as serious as you are?

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and willed Liv to get out of my head. In just a few hours, it would be morning, and I had the perfect day planned for us. I wasn’t going to let anything–or anyone–get in the way of that.

* * *

The rest of the night was uneventful, and I woke up to the smell of coffee. I opened my eyes to see Aiden standing at the small kitchenette across the room, fiddling with the small paper cups. He’d made me a cup, and I was glad to feel my stomach stay in one place as he carried it over.

“Good morning,” he said with that irresistible grin that was half a smirk.

“Very good,” I murmured, taking the paper cup from him and cradling it between my palms. The heat felt good. It seemed like I was always on the chilled side lately. I watched him as I blew across the steaming brown surface. He did look so good, and I still had the exquisite ache between my thighs of our night together.

Aiden carried his cup over and got back in bed beside me, careful not to disrupt my equilibrium. “So what’s first on the agenda?” he teased. “I have to log in and send a few e-mails, but then I’m all yours.”

I liked that idea. I got up and showered while he worked, pushing away the worry that was beginning to nag at me. I had been working hard lately, and the stress of that combined with the psychic toll of keeping Aiden a secret from my family was probably wearing on me. I didn’tfeelstressed because I was too happy about the work I was doing and what was blooming between Aiden and me, but I must be internalizing it came out as nausea and fatigue.

Rationalization and the pounding shower spray washed away my worries, and by the time I stepped out and wrapped myself in one of the oversized towels, I was ready to forget about it. After all, I hadn’t scheduled time to stress about something that was probably nothing into our day.

And it was a great day. We went to breakfast first where we got better cups of coffee and then tackled the city. Because Aiden had never been, I wanted to show him everything. I dragged him from one end of Manhattan to the other.

“This is like an overview of the city,” I explained to him. “We’ll have to come back and do deep dives into the different parts. Like the Metropolitan Museum of Art would basically take us all day, so we’re not going in.”

Aiden wrapped his arm around my waist. “Just say the word and we’ll come back.”

“Christmas,” I said. “I’ve always wanted to come and see the Rockettes and the window displays and the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree.” I leaned my head on his shoulder, excitement filling me. I hadn’t had a nice cold Christmas in years. I’d stayed in California with Christian for the last three, and LA tended to stay disappointingly balmy. I waited, expecting Aiden to agree, but he was checking his work email on his phone. I wasn’t even sure he’d heard me.

“Maybe we can tell my family by then,” I said.

“Maybe,” he muttered absently.

I pushed away my disappointment at his lackluster tone. I wasn’t going to let anything get me down this weekend. Not this weird nausea, not the ghost of Liv’s cautioning voice in my head, and not the prospect of spending three to four hours in close company with Blake tomorrow evening.

The day was magical, capped off by a Broadway show–Aiden’s first.
