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It was the first time I felt like we were even remotely on the same page with this thing. Quinn didn’t want it to be a quick fuck either. Without speaking, we stood up. By silent agreement, we took the back staircase that put us on the second floor right beside my bedroom door. On the other end of the hallway, Noah’s door stayed closed. Not a scrap of light came from underneath. I said a silent prayer to whatever gods looked out for single parents and led Quinn into my room.

We looked at each other again in the cool, dark shadows. The sickening thought lurched into my brain that this was the first time I’d had a woman in here other than Emma. It was like cold water being thrown in my face. I took a deep, shuddering breath, but before I could figure out what to say or do, Quinn laced her fingers into mine.

“It’s okay,” she whispered.

She pulled me gently toward the bed and crawled into it, kneeling in the center, waiting to see what I would do.

I stood there for a long moment, staring at her. Then, slowly, I joined her on the mattress. She was naked, her limbs glowing in the moonlight that streamed in through the open slats of the wooden blinds. Her hair and eyes were dark in this light.

She took my hand, threading her fingers through mine. I pressed my forehead against hers and slowly pushed her back against the mattress. Her skin prickled with goosebumps as her spine met the cool sheets until I covered her with my body. I nudged my knee between her legs and lined myself up with her warm, wet entrance. I kept my eyes on her face, taking in every minute change in her facial expression. The way her teeth bit down on her lower lip as she arched herself up, the way her eyes went even darker as I began to push forward. Our hands were still intertwined, and her fingers tightened around mine as I entered her.

When we kissed again, it was slower and gentler than before. This was a moment years in the making, and it had accelerated at a reckless speed in the past few weeks, but the time for rushing was over. I wanted to take my time with Quinn. I could feel her heart pounding a wild rhythm in her ribs, and I was sure mine matched it.

I slipped into her slowly, filling her to the hilt and then fighting my instincts to begin thrusting. I wanted to make sure every step of this was right. That there was never a moment when she thought about that asshole Jason Cain.

As if she was reading my mind, Quinn murmured, “I won’t break, Callum.” She nudged upward, and my careful grip on control broke. I began moving my hips harder and faster, lettingthe tsunami of pleasure sweep through my entire body. Her kiss had been a lit match, but this was a bonfire. Quinn’s fingernails were digging into the backs of my hands, her eyes were glazed over with pleasure as she met me thrust for thrust.

“Fuck,” I groaned as she wrapped her slender legs around me, hooking her ankles together. I let go of her hands because I had to touch the rest of her. She took my thumb in her mouth, sucking until I thought I’d come just from that sensation alone. I replaced my thumb with my mouth, covering hers and demanding entrance. I wanted to be inside her in every way possible. Not just her body. I wanted to know she was thinking about me, and only me.

“Say my name,” I demanded, moving my mouth to her ear.

She arched as I bit down on her earlobe. “Callum!”


My name, in that throaty, sexy voice, pushed me over the edge. I managed to hold myself back just long enough to feel her climax shudder through her body, and then I let myself follow.

My orgasm ripped through me, roaring in my ears, wracking my body. I held onto her, riding it out, and when the sensation finally subsided to a pleasant haze, I still held onto her.

Quinn’s arms were wrapped around me now instead of her legs. She was holding me tightly, her mouth pressed against my shoulder to muffle her own orgasm. As we slowly unraveled and found each other’s gaze, I tried to throw up my defenses. I didn’t want to her to see that what had just happened had shaken me to the core.

But as I looked into her eyes, I knew that I didn’t have to. In Quinn’s eyes, I saw the exact same emotion. Carnal satisfaction. Lust that would never entirely be spent. Surprise.

“What the hell was that?” she whispered.

I dropped my head onto the pillow beside hers. “I have no idea but give me a few minutes. We can find out.”



Ihad the strange urge to giggle when I rolled over and saw Callum, his hair disheveled, looking ten years younger than I’d ever seen him, peacefully asleep on the pillow beside me. Joy squirmed in my chest, tickling me. I pressed my lips to his bare shoulder to keep it from spilling out.

I heard his breathing change at my touch. Without opening his eyes, he bent his arm to pull me closer so the naked lengths of our bodies were flush from knee to shoulder. “What’s so funny?” he muttered, eyes still closed.

Now the giggle did escape. I tilted my chin up so my lips grazed his earlobe. “I just slept with Renee’s big brother,” I whispered.

His mouth curved in a tired, lazy smirk. “Shut up.”

“Mia is going to besojealous.” I wound my arm around his chest and let my head rest against his arm again. “We used to talk about you, you know.”

He grunted. “I didn’t know, and I don’t want to.”

“Renee wasn’t a part of it, obviously. We’d wait until she and Joanne were asleep, and then we’d play that game,Kiss, Marry, Kill.” I grinned in the darkness. “I always kissed you.”

He made an unimpressed noise deep in his throat. “Who did you marry?”

“Keith Bowen.”
