Page 4 of Guarding Rory

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I jerked her to her feet within seconds, pushing her hair back from her face and checking her pupils, worried I missed a blow to the head while she was fighting off her attacker. My pulse raced, only calming when she pressed her hands to my chest, pushing herself a couple of inches backward so she could brush the dirt off her knees.

“I’m fine,” she told me sharply, and I worried I’d offended her until I noticed the slow creep of red inching up her cheeks, betraying her embarrassment.

I suddenly remembered one of the minor details I’d picked up over my months of surveillance, one that had slipped my mind: Rory was clumsy. Not comically so, just enough that I’d occasionally catch her stumble over the uneven pavement of thesidewalk or trip up a set of stairs when her attention was focused elsewhere.

It was easy to forget that detail after watching her hold her own against her attacker earlier this morning, her body blocking his blows with an impressive level of skill for someone I knew didn’t regularly practice any sort of martial art or self-defense. She had fight in spades when it counted, but jumping out of a truck resulted in scraped palms. I had to stifle a laugh at the contradiction.

I considered pushing for Rory to let me look at her hands, but thought better of it. If her clenched fists were any indication, she wouldn’t be receptive to my nursing attempts, and I’d already gotten lucky enough today. Her father had likely drilled safety strategies into Rory her whole life, and yet she’d gotten into my truck without a fuss.

I’d half expected to have to throw her over my shoulder to get her to Alex’s house. And I was ready to drag her kicking and screaming to safety, even if it would get me in hot water with her father later.

I definitely hadn’t expected her to admit that mysmilehad been the tipping point in convincing her to come with me. I couldn’t help but grin as I recalled her annoyed admission, loving that I affected her without even really trying. The feisty redhead was even more interesting than I’d given her credit for over the past few months, with her self-defense skills and honest - though inadvertent - compliments. Not to mention her willingness to jump out of a moving car, broken bones be damned.

Ames and Wren are going to love her.I shook my head at the thought of how much trouble the trio could - would - get into, and turned toward the house, prepared to shake things up with our new arrival.

“Let’s go, Red,” I called over my shoulder, waiting until I heard Rory’s steps behind me to make my way toward the front door.

I heard the laughter as soon as I opened the front door, the last remaining vestiges of panic seeping away from Rory’s features. The sound of Wren’s high-pitched giggles, the delicate snorts from Ames, and Bex’s low chuckle definitely didn’t give off ransom-you-for-money vibes.

But rather than the relief I expected, Rory’s feet stopped just at the threshold, her eyes wide as she whispered, “Who are we going to see?”

“My family.” I shrugged, not bothering to delve further into all the chaos and the backstories of our friend group. Those would come later, after I’d debriefed Alex and Bex on what happened in the alleyway. I’d managed to text a contact before we left, so hopefully he would dispose of the man’s body before someone could stumble upon it and call the police.

Rory frowned at my response, looking more worried at the concept of meeting my family than when she thought I might sell her to the highest bidder. Then, she had just looked angry, but now she looked genuinely concerned. Despite liking the cute lines that formed at the corners of her mouth as she frowned, Ames would kill me if I let a draft into her house, so I reached out to wrap Rory’s hand in mine, dragging her behind me as I made my way through the foyer.

It was still early for a Saturday, so I wasn’t surprised to find everyone gathered in the kitchen. The giant island was usually where we all met up on weekend mornings, as well as a couple times a week for what the lot of us referred to as “family meals.” I knew they’d be meeting for brunch because Ames had invited me this morning, her disappointment clear even through text when I told her I couldn’t come, too busy stalking the girl I was currently dragging behind me by her fingertips.

I took them all in before they caught sight of me, watching as Ames flipped French toast on a griddle while Alex cut fruit beside her, his hip pressed tight against hers. She wore one of his old college sweatshirts over a pair of leggings, and Alex had on a pair of jeans and a henley. As always, he looked much too formal for a casual breakfast, which was why we usually left him in charge of the business side of our dealings. Wren stood close to the two of them, wearing a fuzzy purple sweater that matched the flowers she was re-arranging, a furrow between her brow as she focused. Bex had on her standard ripped jeans and an oversized flannel, her boot propped on her knee as she ran through some code on her laptop.

Ames caught sight of me first, smiling widely as she called out, “Dev, you made it!” Wren let out a cheer that immediately trailed off, both of their eyes widening as they caught sight of Rory, who was half-hidden behind me. Alex’s and Bex’s heads immediately turned in my direction, as if sensing the sudden discomfort from their partners.

“Hey A, hey Wrennie,” I smiled softly as I pulled Rory in front of me, putting her on display for the eyes on us. “Hope you don’t mind I brought a guest.”

Alex and Bex sat silently, already knowing what I was going to say before I said it. “Rory McLoughlin, everyone. Everyone, Rory McLoughlin.” I gestured between my friends and Rory, making introductions before dropping the bomb, “Cillian’s daughter.”


“Language, Wrennie,” I scolded with a smile, but even my attempt at a joke fell flat. Ames and Wren were in shock, their faces comical in their surprise, with open mouths and wide eyes as they took in my words.

Even Bex and Alex, despite knowing I’d been following Rory for months, looked surprised at my sudden appearancewith the local mob leader’s daughter. Their surprise wasn’t as funny, just a slight raise of their eyebrows, the two psychopaths. Apparently, no one appreciated my humor when I showed up with the daughter of a notorious mob boss. Tough crowd.

Alex looked down at his fiancée, who nodded with a sigh. “You have fifteen minutes before breakfast is ready. Wren and I will finish everything up, but your asses are cleaning the dishes. I swear to all the gods -”

“-and goddesses,” Wren added, her shock wearing off quickly enough that she had time to chime in.

“-and goddesses,” Ames amended with an eye roll. “You guys are always running off to work meetings and leaving us to make the food. Where’s the feminism?”

“Alex made you and Wren dinner last night while you guys got drunk by the fireplace,” Bex chimed in with a smirk, always enjoying her role as devil’s advocate.

Alex ignored his soon-to-be-sister-in-law’s attempt at backup, reaching up to tug on Ames’s ear with a small smile just for her. “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

He meant it, too. The guy was all kinds of whipped; had been obsessed with his girl since he first met her, stalking her for months before finally winning her over.

Bex wasn’t much better, her hand stretching along Wren’s ribcage, right overtop of the matching tattoo she’d gotten a few months ago.

I rolled my eyes at their lovesick expressions as they kissed their partners goodbye, even as jealousy made the sight sting a bit. I considered leaving Rory behind as I turned toward the stairs leading to Alex’s office, but before I could even utter the thought, her grip tightened on my hand, clear in her intention to stay at my side. And fuck if it didn’t feel good, the feisty redhead seeking comfort frommewhen she felt vulnerable.

Alex and Bex didn’t look surprised to find Rory trailing behind us, Alex leading the way while Bex fell into step just ahead of me, turning to look at me over her shoulder.

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