Page 18 of Finding Us Again

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“We going to live, Doc?” Jackson asked. The room became deadly silent. No one moved. I didn’t know if they were even breathing because no one said anything.

Liam finally spoke up, breaking the silence. “Can everyone excuse us? I need to speak with Katie and Jackson.”

The volume of the room rose until my head throbbed as everyone protested, debating and arguing to stay. Especially my parents, who were still arguing to stay while fighting with each other.

Walker stood and said, “We will be just outside the door.” He kissed my forehead, patted Jackson’s thigh before ushering everyone out, and shut the door behind himself as he left the room.

I turned back to Liam once the door clicked closed. “What’s wrong, Liam?” I asked.

I could tell something was not right. The look on Liam’s face could melt steel, and it was leveled right at Jackson. Liam’s crystal blue eyes flashed to my face, but mine darted back to Jackson, who stared at his uncle.

Liam cocked one of his elegantly arched eyebrows at Jackson. He took a step towards the bed, stopping just as my body began tensing for the reflexive reaction that had happened so many times since Jackson had cut me loose. He slid his hands into his pockets and leveled his gaze on Jackson. I knew then that Jackson was keeping something from me.

Turning my head, I looked at Jackson over my shoulder. He refused to meet my gaze.

“Jackson, what’s he not saying?”

Jackson was the only person I trusted right now, and I had to know the truth. I had to know that I could count on him to tell me everything. I’d been lied to enough.

Jackson closed his eyes and mumbled, “I have bone fragments from the bullet I took to the thigh. According to the doctor, I was lucky.”


I shook my head, glaring at him. He couldn’t be this reckless. I looked back at Liam. “What has he done? What does he need to do?”

Before Liam could answer, Jackson shifted on the bed. His hand came up slowly, tilting my chin back so I could see him. “Katie, I’m not leaving you. It’s just a few bone fragments. Nothing to worry about. The surgery can wait.”

I frowned. “You cannot be serious. Bone fragments mean broken bones, Jackson. It’s problematic enough for Dr. Cole to mention it to Liam and for him to say something to us. Are you even supposed to be in here?”

Clouds darkened his face. “Katie, sugar…”

I cupped his face, brushing his beard as I rubbed my thumb across his cheek. “No. Jackson. No. You have to take care of yourself; otherwise, I could be without you for much longer than the time the surgery takes. I’ve already had that scare once. I can’t handle it again. Liam and the family will be right here with me.”

He leaned toward me, his eyes dropping to my mouth. But he swore softly and pulled away from me. “Sorry.”

Slipping my hand to his neck, I pulled him to me. I pressed a quick, soft kiss to his lips. “No apology needed.”

Jackson sighed. His forehead dropped to mine just as his eyes dropped closed. “I love you, darlin’. I just don’t want to do anything…”

I kissed his forehead, then his cheeks. I ignored the dampness my lips found there. “You couldn’t. You aren’t him.”

I prayed I could remember that as time passed.

Jackson glanced at Liam. “What will they need to do?”

“You need surgery to remove the fragments. It’s nothing too serious, but the fragments still need to come out, or they could puncture your femoral artery. And it needs to be done now. Not tomorrow,” Liam responded.

Jackson sighed and said, “Okay, tell them I’ll do it, but Katie isn’t to be left alone.”

Liam left without another word. I looked at Jackson. “What were you thinking? Jackson, why would you refuse treatment?”

Jackson grimaced and swallowed. “I had to make sure you were taken care of first. I planned to speak with Liam about it when everything settled down.”

“You’ll get it taken care of now, not later—no more. If you want to take care of me, then you have to take care of yourself. Agreed?” I admonished him.

His lips turned up the tiniest bit. “Yes, ma’am.” He pulled me into his arms as we cuddled back into the bed. He pressed his forehead to my temple.

We were still sitting like that an hour later when Dr. Cole and Liam came to take Jackson for surgery. As they got him ready, Walker and Lillian sat beside my bed.
