Page 19 of Finding Us Again

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When I glanced at them in puzzlement, Walker said softly, “Just following orders.”

I smiled as Jackson said, “No one I trust to watch over you more.”

Lord, I love that man.

Jackson kissed my lips before getting on the gurney, resting his forehead against mine. “Stay safe. I’ll be back as soon as they can get me fixed up.”

I nodded. Tears gathered in my eyes as I watched him watch me as he disappeared from my sight. I had to be careful with how much I allowed my emotions to show while Jackson was present because I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, he would refuse treatment if he thought I was upset.

As soon as the door closed behind Jackson, Liam, and the doctor, I asked, “Who’s watching over him?”

Walker didn’t hesitate. “Foster and two SEALs who used to serve with him. They work for Holt now.”

I stared at Walker. My teeth clenched until my jaw ached. Finally, I nodded. But then I whispered, “Can we trust them?”

He nodded emphatically. “Absolutely. Adam and Brock have been with the company since 2010. They’re two of the best men I’ve ever known. They are loyal to a fault and will gut a person to protect a charge. They’ve protected numerous high-ranking officials as well as celebrities. They will take care of our boy.”

Knowing Foster and his men were protecting Jackson, that the two new people were people Walker trusted, I lost the iron grip on my emotions and broke down. As I sobbed, Lillian sat next to me on the bed. Walker perched on the edge of the bed next to my injured leg. The moment Lillian murmured to me in that soft, motherly tone, one I’d never experienced, I threw myself into her arms.

“Oh, Katie, love. You’re going to be okay. You both will get through this,” she whispered against my temple.

Lillian held me for so long. All the while, I struggled to regain control of my emotions. Walker sat watching over us. His eyes were suspiciously damp, but he sat quietly while Lillian consoled me.

While sitting in her arms, I suddenly realized that not a single team member had shown their face. Looking between Lillian and Walker, I asked once Jackson was gone, “Where’s the team?”

Walker hung his head. I looked back to Lillian, and he sighed. “They are here. They’re all out in the waiting room. We thought it would be best if they did not come in just yet.”

Biting my lower lip, I tried to consider all the options. It wasn’t their fault we were in this situation. Yes, they were there to protect us, and they failed, but there was a fucking bomb threat called in on the plane. We were all scrambling to get to safety.

That bomb threat was entirely out of the blue, and there were three crazies out to get us. There were so many things we all could have done to prevent this from happening, but not entirely. I wasn’t naïve enough to even consider that. Nina wouldnot have rested until she exacted her revenge. Caleb, egged on by Nina, also would not stop until he was forced to do so.

I wasn’t casting shade, not in the least, and I would tell them that. But first, I needed to know what happened on their end. I needed details.

“Walker, could you have the team come in? I want to talk to them,” I requested. I wanted this done before Jackson got back.

Walker scowled before saying, “I’ll go check on Jackson, but I’ll be back..”

I nodded, took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and waited for them to join me.

“Kat?” I heard Hayden call softly.

Startled, I opened my eyes. In front of me were seven of the most shame-filled faces I had ever seen.

“What happened?” It was all I could do to utter those two words.

They looked at each other and then back at me, and they each sighed. Foster was the one who finally spoke up. “They had your guitar and mic lojacked. It’s how they were able to track you guys. Plus, they had to have a signal jammer. It’s the only thing that could keep us from locating you all. We were flying blind.”

I nodded. “Yeah, Jackson and I figured they had a signal jammer because my watch showed it wasn’t connected.”

“They were good, Katie. Real good. We underestimated them. It’s no excuse, but there it is. Even though we knew it was more than just a crazed fan and that he was working with people who had inside info, we weren’t expecting them to go to the lengthsthey did. I’m sorry. You’ll never know how sorry we all are,” Heidi said.

“I know you are, Heidi. I don’t blame any of you. But they are still out there, and I for damn sure don’t wanna go through that shit again.”

She frowned, blinking and rolling her glistening eyes to the ceiling.

I gave them a small, flat smile and leaned back against the hospital bed. I closed my eyes. I felt the tears spilling from under my lashes and onto my cheeks. I wanted so much to rant and rage against them, but it wasn’t their fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault except Caleb, Danny, and Michelle. Or Nina and Neil, I guess. Whatever. The situation was what it was, and lamenting the fact wouldn’t change it.

“Kit Kat?” Hayden said softly.
