Page 33 of Finding Us Again

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I walked forward. Cautiously. He’d never frightened me, but this man scared me a little. Weirdly enough, he also drew me in, attracting me like a moth to a flame. It made me realize why women fell for bad boys—men on the black side of morally gray. Danger radiated from him.

I took a deep breath. “Jackson, baby?”

He turned and looked down at me. Starring into his eyes, I watched the darkness and danger slowly fade away, leaving the beautiful mossy green gaze I knew and loved. I only enjoyed those clear, loving eyes for a few moments before guilt and disbelief took over.

His eyes fell closed, and he turned and fled.

As I watched him go, I caught sight of Walker and Lillian. They looked devastated. Lillian turned to Walker, collapsing in his arms, hiding her face in his chest as Jackson slammed the back door. Foster, who I hadn’t even noticed was in the room, nodded at Walker before following Jackson out of the house.

I didn’t know what triggered Jackson’s outburst. I didn’t know if it came from Evan touching me or from the fact that Jackson was itching for a fight. Whatever it was, Jackson losing his cool and attacking Evan was the final straw. I couldn’t take it anymore.

I called Liam. He invited Jackson and me over despite the hour. I hunted him down in the garage where he kept his motorcycles, hoping he’d

“Jackson, what were you thinking?” I asked.

“I will not stand by and let anyone hurt you. Not ever again. Emotionally or physically. I don’t give a fuck who they are. You are mine, and I will protect you. I don’t care who I have to fight when I have to do it or what I have to do.” Jackson declared before storming off.

“What do you mean you are not going? I’m not going by myself, and after that craziness earlier, you need to go even more than I do!” I raged.

“I’m tired, Katie. We’ll go tomorrow, okay?”

The way he said it wasn’t very promising, though. Somehow, I knew that come tomorrow, he’d make up another excuse.

He said he’d do anything to help me.

He’s just as scared and broken as you are.

I know that, but I need him. We won’t be able to get past this on our own.

Tell him how you feel.

I ignored the voice in my head and returned to the house. I went straight up to bed, locking Jackson out of the bedroom and going to bed mad. As I lay down in bed, the tears started.

I couldn’t believe he refused to go. He was the one who suggested it nearly a week ago. I’d begged and pleaded since the day he suggested it. But he kept putting it off and making excuses. I waited for him to be ready when it seemed he wasn’t, but now I was done. He could sleep elsewhere until he got his head out of his ass.

I must’ve fallen asleep because I started when I heard the doorknob rattle and then a soft thud against the wood door. I lay there for a moment before I relented. Whatever his problem was, it didn’t matter. I couldn’t turn Jackson away.

Walking to the bedroom door, I opened it to find Jackson standing there, one hand holding a water and the other braced against the door frame. His head was cast down, making me wonder if the thud was his head hitting the door. His face was torn between defeat and disbelief.

I sighed, reaching for him. Relief bloomed across his face. I pulled him into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. He swept me into his arms and buried his face in my neck.

His voice was thick with emotion when he said, “I’m so sorry, darlin’. I know I’m being an ass, but I don’t know if I can talk to Liam about this. I don’t know if I can talk to anyone about what happened. I can barely think about it, much less give voice to it, but if you want to talk, I’ll talk to you about it.”

I wrapped myself around him as well as I could, holding him tightly. “It’s okay, Jackson. I’m scared, too. Let’s go to bed and talk about it tomorrow, okay?”

He nodded his head against my neck and carried me to bed. I had been so scared that after Caleb’s attack, I wouldn’t be able to be near Jackson—that I would be afraid of his touch, but today had been amazing. Once he touched me without prior warning, and I didn’t panic or freak out, he had been encouraged to reach for my hand or rub my back without permission. He realized they were still welcome.

I hated what happened to us. I hated it with a passion, but what I hated even more was that it ruined what Jackson and I had built and finally achieved together. I worried the most about getting back to that part of our relationship.

Sex? Are you thinking about sex?

I’m not saying Iwantto have sex, but I want towantsex again. I want towantJackson in that way again. We’d just made it to that point in our relationship, and I adored it. I loved the feel of his hands on my skin and how he was so sweet and gentle yet simultaneously passionate and aggressive. I loved the feel of him over me, under me, and, oh God, the way he felt inside me.

“I want that back!”

“What do you want back, Katie,” Jackson asked against the back of my neck.

It was only at the sound of his voice that I realized I had spoken aloud—that I had raged about our plight, not in my mind as I thought, but for all to hear.
