Page 58 of Finding Us Again

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“I don’t know,” I said.

“What did Liam say?” Jackson looked up at me, pressing his forehead to mine.

“There’s a test. We have to go in together, and Liam will swab your cheek, and they’ll take some of my blood, and they’ll do some weird chem lab stuff. He said it could take up to a week to get the results back,” I whispered.

“And it can be done now?” he asked.

I nodded.

He sighed. “How accurate is it?”

“I didn’t ask. I assume it works well. Otherwise, I don’t think Liam would have suggested it.”

He nodded, turning to prop his feet up on the ottoman. He pulled me into his side. “When are you due?”

“I didn’t ask that either,” I said quietly.

“That’s a pretty important bit of info, darlin’. We kinda need to know when the baby’s coming,” Jackson told me.

“I didn’t want to know until I knew you were the father,” I mumbled.

“Do you mean…”

I nodded as I said, “Yes, I do.”

“If you’re doing that because you think it’s what I want…” Jackson started.

I interrupted him, “No. It’s not because I think it’s what you want. It’s because of me. It’s because I cannot fathom carrying that man’s child.”



Her words didn’t surprise me. All Katie wanted was to put the incident behind us. Carrying a baby that came about from her assault would never allow either of us to do that.

I didn’t know how I’d fair in her shoes. Fuck, I didn’t know how I’d do if she decided to go through with the pregnancy if the baby wasn’t mine. If that were her choice, I’d come to terms with it. Sperm donation didn’t make a man a father. Actions did.

There was one thing I had to know, though.

“Darlin’, I know things have been off between us, but why’d you keep this from me?” I asked sometime later.

“Jackson, baby, I…uh,” Katie huffed. “I didn’t want to face the reality that they might not be ours.”


Katie nodded. Her hand dropped to her midsection. The action was a knife to my heart, but she carried enough guilt and ill feelings about what happened to us that I wouldn’t let her in on how devastated I was with how our family was beginning.

“Twins?” I asked.

Katie nodded again.

I knew I sounded brain-damaged, but her being pregnant was enough of a shock, even though I tended to forget protection. Especially during those middle-of-the-night fucks. Jesus fuck, I missed those. She’d rub her ass and pussy on my cock while we slept, spinning us both up to the point where some nights, I’d wake up and already be pushing inside her before I was fully conscious.

Shaking the thought from my head, I reminded myself that the woman I loved, who I’d been so afraid I was losing—thank God I was wrong about that—was having twins. This wasn’t how I expected to become a Daddy. But Katie was my girl, and I’d be damned if I let something like DNA come between us. I knew she said she couldn’t bring herself to carry the pregnancy to term ifhewas the father, but if she decided she wanted to keep the children, I’d raise them as my own.

I woke the next day to Katie curled around my side. One of her legs was wrapped around mine, her arm was thrown across my chest, and her head rested on my shoulder. Her cold foot was shaped around the curve of my calf. Not wanting to disturb her, I reached for my phone.

