Page 59 of Finding Us Again

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If Katie and I can get back to Seattle, can we get that test done today?


Yes. What time do you think you will be in town?


I don’t know. Let me get back to you.


Message me when you know your arrival time, and I’ll meet you at the hospital.

Since Morgan and Charlotte planned to have a late brunch/early lunch today, I texted Morgan, apologizing and letting him know Katie and I were heading back to Seattle this morning.

Instead of the text I was expecting, the phone rang.

“I didn’t mean to pull you away from your bride,” I said as a greeting when I answered.

I was shocked to hear a giggle instead of Morgan’s laughter.“Since I am the bride, I guess you’re forgiven.”

I pulled the phone from my ear to make sure I didn’t message the wrong person. “Charlie?”

“I hope so. I’d hate to kill off my husband before our twenty-four-hour anniversary. Morgan ran down to grab me some crackers. I’m flat on my back in the not-so-fun way until the morning sickness passes. Anyway, I saw your text. I’ve messaged my flight crew. My jet is at your disposal. It will be ready in the next hour and waiting for you at the airstrip whenever you’re ready.”

“Charlotte, we appreciate it, but you don’t have to do that. We can charter a flight.”

I didn’t want her or Morgan to think we expected anything from them other than their friendship.

Charlotte laughed.“My flight crew gets paid whether at home or in the air. You’re helping me out by putting the plane to use. I’ll need a list of names for the manifest.”

I gave in. “Okay. I’ll text you the names in just a bit. It will be just us and the security detail.”

“Okay. I’ll take care of everything. Safe travels,”Charlotte said, then hung up without saying goodbye.

“Who were you talking to?” Katie mumbled sleepily. When I looked down at her, her eyes were still closed, but she rubbed her fist over them like a child.

“Jesus, you’re fucking adorable,” I said, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

I could hear her eye roll in her voice when she said, “I think you’ve gone blind. My eyes are puffy, and I’m sure my hair is a mess.”

“You’re still fucking adorable. I don’t want or expect perfection, sugar. So, if you’re a mess, you’re my mess, and I love you.”

Katie sat up, placing her back against the headboard. “You never said who you were talking to.”

I pushed myself up next to her. “Charlotte. I texted Morgan to let him know we’re going back to Seattle, and Charlotte called me. She offered us the plane.”

“But the brunch…”

“Liam says we can get the test done today,” I told her. While she seemed as firm in her decision as I was in mine, she needed to know I would support whatever decision she made. I would take care of her however she needed through whatever she chose.

Kaite nodded solemnly but didn’t say anything.

“What’s wrong, darlin’?” I asked.

She got up and walked toward the desk where her purse sat. She reached inside, pulling something out I couldn’t identify before returning to me with her hand outstretched.

Questions bounded through me as I looked at her and then the slips of paper in her hand. “What is it?” I asked as I took them from her.
