Page 108 of Justice

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“Wait.” I grabbed his hips to hold him in place. My self-control was stretched to breaking point. It was no longer a matter of if I was going to go there, but when.

First though, I was going to find out what had upset him. I wasn’t going to let him seduce me into forgetting there was something bothering him.

“If it wasn’t the stalking, then what were you upset about earlier?”

Matty should never become a poker player. He couldn’t hide anything on that face of his. “I told you, nothing. Why don’t we just forget about it and do something fun instead?”

He reached between us to palm my length. I gritted my teeth. Fine. Two could play at this game.

Unluckily for Matty, I’d had centuries to hone my patience. It might be nonexistent when it came to refusing him, but in terms of edging him until he gave me what I wanted?

That I could do.

I needed more room though. Hands under his arse, I carried him into his bedroom.

This time, Matty didn’t show any surprise other than a quick indrawn breath. Maybe he was getting used to me toting him around on a whim.

I hated how much my heart warmed at that. Hated that I couldn’t just do this forever.

Pushing my own feelings aside, I dropped Matty onto the bed. He fell back on his rumpled duvet, looking up at me with hooded eyes.

I towered over him, slowly unbuttoning my shirt as I spoke. “Here’s how this is going to go, sunshine. You’re going to tell me what upset you. I don’t care how long it takes, but I will get it out of you.”

Matty’s gaze was fixed on my chest as I pushed my shirt off my shoulders. “Looks like I’m the one getting you out of things.”

I smirked as my hands went to my belt. “Cute that you think you’re in charge here, sweetheart. I can assure you that’s not the case.”

I whipped my belt out of the loops, Matty’s eyes following it like a hunter watching a rabbit as I flung it aside. My trousers and underwear followed it in rapid succession, leaving me completely naked.

I stroked my throbbing cock. Matty was openly gawking at me, like he couldn’t believe I’d just stripped in front of him.

An hour ago, I wouldn’t have believed it earlier. Which was stupid, really.

I should’ve accepted by now that I had no common sense where Matty was concerned.

“This is how it’s going to go,” I said, my tone measured, like I was discussing the weather instead of describing what I was going to do to Matty. “Unless you tell me to stop, I’m going to strip you naked. I’m going to touch and taste you. Everywhere. I’m going to drive you crazy until you can’t think of anything other than how I’m making you feel.”

“Holy smokes,” Matty whispered, squeezing himself through his trousers. “Is this really happening right now?”

Smirking, I crawled over him, my knee between his thighs. Wrapping my hand around his wrist, I pulled it away from his dick and pinned it to the bed above his head. Chuckling at the look of indignation he shot me, I winked. “Oh it’s happening, sunshine. But your cock currently belongs to me, as does your orgasm.”

I leaned over like I was about to kiss him, but stopped with my lips just out of Matty’s reach. “Want to guess what I want in exchange for letting you come?”

Matty’s pretty lips parted in shock. “You wouldn’t.”

“Oh I absolutely would. I’ve been trying to tell you I’m not a good person, sunshine. It’s time you started listening.”

He whimpered beneath me in frustration, his hips rising off the bed as he tried to find friction. I kept my hips high though, denying him relief.

“Let be clear though, Matty. If you say stop at any time, we stop. Just say the word now and I’ll leave. I’m only doing this if I have your full consent.”

Matty huffed. “Obviously you have my consent. But are you really not going to let me come?”

Arrogance dripped from my smile. “I told you my price, sunshine. We can play as much as you want. Carry out whatever fantasies you’ve dreamed up. But the only way you’re coming is if you give me what I want.”

Matty eyed me thoughtfully before smiling slowly. “You know what? You’re on. There’s no way you can hold out as long as me. You’ve not been able to say no to me yet. Bet I can get you to crack before I do.”

Ah, Matty. My poor, naive sunshine.
