Page 107 of Justice

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He was trembling, but his lips were firm. My scalp tingled as he slid his hands into my hair, desperately pulling me closer. Even this small taste was overwhelming. He tasted like apples.

Forbidden ones that would undoubtedly be my downfall.

Don’t do it, Sebastian. Don’t give in.

If you kiss him back, you’ll be lost.

He pulled away on a shaky breath. His cheeks were heated, his eyes shining as he hovered an inch away from me. Uncertainty and rejection were written all over his face.

I should let him feel it. Let him think I didn’t want him. That I wasn’t burning for him the same way he was for me.

If it had just been my heart on the line, maybe I’d have been able to.

But that look on his face. That fucking heartbreak.

I couldn’t do it.

Who was I trying to fool? I’d been lost for months where Matty was concerned.

I yanked him forwards by the back of his neck, slamming our mouths back together.

If I was going to shatter, I may as well make the fall worth it.

Not holding anything back this time, I dominated the kiss. My tongue was unforgiving, demanding access to Matty’s mouth.

He relented instantly with a little whimper that would be forever etched on my soul.

For just a minute, I was selfish. I let myself take everything I wanted from Matty. My hands explored the planes of his back. My teeth nipped lightly at his puffy lips before my tongue dove back inside once more.

His taste…Fuck. It was dangerous. I’d known all along that this would be my undoing, but he was more addictive than I’d ever imagined.

How was I going to give him up?

I had to though. Keeping him would be beyond selfish. I’d done more bad shit than I could remember. Ruining Matty’s life wasn’t something I’d be adding to the list.

It was almost painful to break the kiss, but I did it. Falling back against the sofa, my chest was heaving as I surveyed Matty. His cherry lips were glossy and swollen, his tongue darting over them like he was chasing my taste.

“Why did you stop?”

“We need to talk.” I forced my hands back to the sofa, digging the tips of my fingers into the fabric to keep them there. “So, you’re not upset about the fact that I was…tracking you?”

He flashed his dimple at me. “Think we can call a spade a spade. You were stalking me.”

I grunted, not agreeing, but not denying it either.

“But no.” Matty smiled shyly, toying with a button on my shirt. My cock twitched as his fingertip grazed my skin. “I’m not upset about that. Actually, I think it’s quite…flattering. Like maybe you were thinking of me as much as I was thinking of you.”

Fuck. I was on dangerous ground here. “You shouldn’t look at it that way. It’s toxic, red flag behaviour.”

His teeth sank into his lower lip as he looked up at me from under his lashes. “Did I ever tell you I’m colour blind?”

I groaned. Flirty Matty was my fucking kryptonite. “Sunshine, you’ve gotta stop. We can’t do that.”

“Do what?” His eyes widened innocently. Too innocently.

“Matty, with everything that just happened, surely you understand why we can’t be together.”

He pouted. The little shit fucking pouted. It had me immediately wanting to cave. “I don’t see why not. I thought maybe it was because you didn’t want me.” He ground his pelvis forward, his own erection meeting mine. “Doesn’t feel like that to me though.”
