Page 114 of Justice

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“Please,” I begged him. I didn’t know why I needed it, but I did. I needed to feel him in every possible sense. Needed to know that my blood was inside him. That I was the one keeping him going.

No one else.

My hand went to the back of his head, shoving him closer insistently. “Please, Seb. I need it. I want you. I need you. Bite me.”

Two heartbeats passed.

A fevered breath in and out.

Then Sebastian’s fangs pierced my skin. He took the first sip of my blood and shivered.

The pain I was expecting never came. Instead, a wave of pleasure hit me. It was like an orgasm on steroids.

I was vaguely aware of my cock jumping as cum spurted in jets all over me. Vaguely aware of Sebastian thrusting deeply inside me as his heat filled me. Vaguely aware of him licking my neck before gently easing out of me.

Then he laid me down, and darkness closed in.

I let sleep claim me with a blissful smile on my face.

Never before had I been fucked into unconsciousness. I hadn’t had any say in the matter—my body had taken the decision out of my hands.

Stretching in my bed, I relished the way my muscles were aching. I’d need to consider joining Riley for his gym sessions if I wanted to keep up with Sebastian.

Which I did. I hadn’t planned on letting him go before we’d had sex, and after today? There was no way he was slipping through my fingers. He was perfect in every sense of the word.

Reaching out beside me, I frowned when my hand hit the cold sheet. My heart plummeted. Had he left me alone again?

Sitting up, I was relieved to see he was still there. Fully dressed and perched on the very end of my bed.

As I looked closer, my relief evaporated like smoke on the wind. Everything about his posture, from the way his knee was bouncing to the tense lines of his back, told me he was upset about something.

“Seb?” I sat up, reaching out to touch his arm. “What’s wrong?”

He flinched away before I could do more than brush the tips of my fingers over his forearm.

A warning bell began ringing in the recesses of my mind. Where had the man who’d shown me such affection gone? “Seb?”

At least this time he responded, even if he stared at the wall as he did it. “We shouldn’t have done that, Matty.”

My pulse picked up. “Done what? Kissed? Had sex? Let you bite me?”

“All of it.” I winced at the harsh note in his voice. “Damnit, Matty, I told you we can’t go there. I especially shouldn’t have bitten you. If I could take it all back, I would.”

I would’ve been hurt. Angry even.

If it hadn’t been for his hands.

They were shaking. Like he was coming apart at the seams. There was a ring on his little finger, a ring I’d never seen before. He was twisting it around over and over again, the ruby catching the light with every rotation he made.

A realisation hit me. It was something I’d been aware of, but the full force of it hit me now.

Sebastian was scared.

Whatever he was going through, it wasn’t about me. This was about him. This reaction was him lashing out, trying to make me run so he could go back inside his cocoon where nothing could touch him.

Well that was too bad. I wasn’t going to let him. He was going to live in the sunshine alongside me, even if I had to drag him there kicking and screaming.

“I don’t regret it,” I said baldly, lifting my chin high. “In fact, if you weren’t in such a grump, I’d suggest having another go right now.”
