Page 126 of Justice

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Tears burned behind my closed eyelids. How could I walk away from Matty? Maybe I could find a way to make this work. Maybe being with me wouldn’t be so bad for him?—

“What the fuck?”

My eyes flew open to see Leo in the open doorway. His nostrils were flared, his hands in fists at his sides. Over his shoulder loomed Ferry, gaping at us in shock.


Retracting my fangs as fast as I could without hurting Matty, I ran my tongue over the wound quickly to close it.

As soon as I was done, Matty’s head whipped around and, for the first time ever, I heard him yell. “Why the fudge are you looking? Get out of here!”

Leo’s jaw fell. “But…you’re…”

I grabbed a blanket from the back of the sofa, draping it over Matty’s back and hiding us from sight. “Yes, we’re fucking. Now do you think you could give us some privacy? Or are you gonna make this more fucking awkward for your brother?”

Ferry seemed to come to his senses, his hand taking Leo’s upper arm. “Come on, we’ll wait in your room until they’re decent.”

Leo shot a murderous glance my way as he left the room. “This isn’t over, Sebastian. I meant what I said.”

“What did he say?” Matty demanded as he eased off me.

It was hard to hear him over the sound of my world crashing down. Seeing the horror on Leo’s face reminded me of the reality I’d been running from.

I didn’t respond to Matty, just walked towards his room to grab some clothes.

“Sebastian, what’s Leo talking about?”

I shouldn’t be ignoring him, but I wasn’t sure what would come out of my mouth if I dared open it. Probably a long, keening scream. The sound of my heart protesting at what was coming.

Moving supernaturally fast, I tugged on my jeans and T-shirt. By the time I was done, Matty had put on his dressing gown. He looked like a fuzzy little bear, all wrapped up and ready to be snuggled.

Fuck. It hurt to look at him. Crossing the room, I gently touched his face to get him to turn it. Peering at his neck, I checked his skin carefully. I’d retracted my fangs far quicker than usual—I had to make sure I hadn’t hurt him. “Any pain?”

He brushed my touch away impatiently. “Seb, I’m fine. What’s going on?”

I swallowed, stepping back. “Matty, we knew this wouldn’t work.”

I could feel his gaze burning into me, but I refused to meet it. “No. I don’t accept that. I told you, I don’t care what anyone else thinks?—”

His sentence was cut off by a furious pounding on the door. “Living room. Now.”

Matty’s face paled, his head swivelling to the door. His discomfort was clear, from how he bit his lip to the worry in his eyes.

“You say that, but you do care,” I whispered hollowly. “You love your family. I’m not going to make you choose between us.”

Something in my words had fire lighting in Matty’s eyes. “Choose? Who the fudge said I have to choose?”

With that he marched from the room. I winced as the door handle crashed into the wall, hurrying after him.

Matty was in front of his brother, hands on hips and practically vibrating with fury. “What did you say to him?”

Ferry’s gaze snapped to mine as I entered, scrutinising me like he was trying to puzzle me out.

Good luck. Hadn’t had any luck with that myself.

“I told him he wasn’t to fuck you,” Leo shouted, his cheeks mottled. “He promised he wasn’t going to do that.”
