Page 140 of Justice

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I couldn’t believe I’d never thought of it. It didn’t matter though, not with the main stumbling block still standing in the way of being with the man I loved. “Say you’re right, say I can make it work with Matty, what about everyone else?”

Toby’s forehead furrowed. “What about everyone else?”

“None of them like me, and for good reason. If I’m with Matty, it’ll end up putting distance between him and his friends and family. I won’t be responsible for that, Toby, I can’t.”

“I think you’ll find they care more about Matty being happy than how you’ve treated them in the past. Besides, what if Matty continues bringing out this…nicer side of you?”

“What nicer side?”

Toby sighed. “Again, I hate to point this out, but this is the longest conversation we’ve had in five hundred years. And no one has staked anyone yet.”

“There’s still time.”

Toby ignored that. “What if being with Matty is bringing out a better side of you? Or even reminding you of the person you used to be? If you spend more time with everyone, without starting a fight, they’ll start to like you too.”

“Doubt I’ll be able to get through every meeting without starting a fight.”

Toby waved dismissively. “We rarely get through one without someone stabbing someone, so you’ll fit right in.”

I would have loved to believe what Toby was saying, but I knew better. “Leo and Ferry though…they’d never accept it. You didn’t see their faces when they walked in on us.”

“Can you blame them? The way I heard it, you weren’t just fucking him, you were biting him. After assuring his brother you wanted nothing to do with him and would be on your merry way soon enough.”

“Which I was. I broke up with Matty as soon as I realised the damage it was doing to their relationship.”

Toby sighed again. “I get where you’re coming from, but did you really have to break that poor boy’s heart?”

Leo’s voice echoed from the doorway. “That’s the question I’d most like the answer to.”

Chapter 28


Leo wasn’t alone in the doorway. Dagon was beside him, two bags of blood in his hands.

Toby jumped to his feet, relieving him of his load with a friendly word of thanks.

“Drink this,” he said, dumping them in my lap.

“Don’t need it.”

Toby raised a brow. “Given your pallor, I’d say you do.”

“Is that the vampiric way of saying he looks like shit?” Leo drawled, strolling into the room and sitting in Toby’s chair. “Because I’m delighted to say he does.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, still not touching the blood.

“This place is also a shithole.” Leo’s lip curled in disgust as he examined my lodgings.

He wasn’t wrong. It was one room with a tiny bathroom off to one side. It held a grand total of three items of furniture: a bed, a table, and a chair.

Really, what more did I need? It was just a place to exist until I felt the urge to run again.

That was something that happened every week or so. When thoughts of Matty became so loud that I needed to move before I did something stupid.

Like go crawling back to him, begging for his forgiveness.

“Don’t assassins make good money?”
