Page 185 of Justice

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“Probably a good idea,” Matty said, beaming at his best friend. “We all know what you’re like with time.”

I stepped over to join them as everyone else drifted off. Someone clicked the music on while the sound of a cork popping filled the air.

“Now, I know this is your party,” Riley was telling Matty. “But where is this hunky pan firefighter you’ve been hiding from me?”

Lucky coughed, trying to cover a laugh. “Wait, you haven’t met Danny?”

Riley put a hand to his head, pretending to go faint. “I know, I’m so deprived. Here’s my best friend, with access to a single, non-straight firefighter, and he hasn’t even had the decency to introduce me.”

I smirked at Matty, who was covering his eyes with a groan. “I know why he hasn’t introduced you.”

Riley raised a brow. “Oh? Do share.”

I motioned at Danny over my shoulder to join us. He held up a finger to say he’d just be a minute as he finished up his conversation with Leo.

This was too good to pass up. “Because it’s like introducing two predators. I’m not sure which of you is a bigger manwhore, to be honest. I don’t think the world is ready for the two of you to be introduced.”

Riley mock-whispered to Matty behind his hand. “You’re right. Sebastian really does say the nicest things.”

Danny finally sauntered over, his eyes sweeping over Riley calculatingly. “Who do we have here?”

Matty pressed to my side, amusement thrumming through the bond.

“I’m Riley,” he purred, extending a hand demurely. I snorted in response, earning a reproving look from Matty. “You must be the sexy firefighter.”

“Guilty as charged.” Heat flickered in Danny’s eyes as he raised Riley’s hand to his lips and kissed it.

“Guilty? Are you a bad boy then?”

“I’ve been known to break the rules sometimes.”

“I bet.” Riley bit his bottom lip, looking far more innocent than I knew him to be. “Bet you make all the boys cry too.”

Danny leaned closer, testosterone practically rolling off him now. “Only if they beg nicely.”

“Right, I’m out,” Lucky said, raising both his hands. “I don’t know if this sexual tension is making me uncomfortable or horny. Either way, I’m going to find a boyfriend and a drink.”

“We’re out too,” Matty said, shaking his head and smiling. “Have fun, you two.”

I doubted either of them even noticed us leaving. “Bet they end up fucking tonight.”

“I’m not taking that bet,” Matty said. “That’s a guarantee at this point. Question is, what will happen after?”

I shrugged, snagging a glass of champagne from the table and offering it to Matty. “Nothing, probably. I mean, neither of them are looking for a relationship. They’ll have a good time and both go on with their lives.”

Matty sipped his champagne. “You weren’t looking for a relationship either.”

“True, but that was just because I was an idiot,” I said, throwing an arm over his shoulder. “An idiot who was lucky enough to fall for someone willing to fight for him.”

Matty kissed my cheek. “Think I’m the lucky one here. I can’t believe you threw me a party.”

“Well, I knew it’d make you happy.”

“Yes, but you let everyone help you. And you didn’t kill any of them…right?”

“I didn’t, no. I won’t lie though, I came close a few times.”

Matty gave a half shrug. “That’s good enough for me. In fairness, killing does seem to be par for the course in this circle. Harlow stabbed Cal last week at book club for eating the last mini éclair.”
