Page 186 of Justice

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“Sounds like Harlow.”

Matty studied Riley, biting his lip. “Do you think I can tell him tonight?”

We’d all discussed letting Riley in on our world. He was too enmeshed in our group not to now. Plus, Matty hated keeping things from him. It was easier with Ethan as he seemed to be around less and less over the past few months.

But Riley was always with us. We’d all slipped up a few times and ended up compelling him to forget when he’d seen or heard something he shouldn’t. When Matty found out, he’d been livid. It was one of the few times he’d sat us all down for a stern talking to.

Believe me, it had been an experience none of us were keen to repeat soon.

As such, we’d agreed that Riley could be told. None of us thought he’d share our secrets, and it’d certainly make things easier.

However, I didn’t think he’d take it as well as Matty believed. He wasn’t learning about us via someone he was in love with, or because of a situation where he needed saving.

“You can tell him whenever you like,” I told Matty. “Are you sure you want to do it now though? What if he reacts badly?”

“I’d rather tell him,” Matty confessed. “Plus, everyone is here. It’ll be easier the more people there are to convince him. Then we can drink and forget it ever happened.”

I didn’t point out that, thanks to the bond, no amount of human alcohol could make Matty forget anything. “Okay, we can do this now. Whatever you want.”

Matty blew his curls out of his eyes. “I don’t know how to bring it up.”

“Want me to do it?”

Matty blinked up at me. “Would you?”

“Of course, sunshine.”

Danny disappeared to get another drink and a rather flustered Riley swept over to us. “Oh my god, Matty. I’m going to climb that man like a fucking tree tonight.”

Matty blushed and I had to hide my smile behind my glass. We both knew Matty heard far worse things from me in the bedroom.

Or the kitchen.

Or on the stairs.

There wasn’t an inch of this house we hadn’t christened.

Riley was still babbling about the increasingly debauched things he was going to do to Danny. Feeling Matty’s discomfort through the bond, I decided now was a good a time as any. “Hey, Riley?”

He broke off mid-sentence, frowning at me. It’d taken me longer to win Riley over, but I was getting there. Unlike the others, he didn’t know there was no chance I’d ever leave Matty again, not now that we were mated.

That was about to change.

“I’m a vampire.”

All chatter stopped as my words hit the supe ears in the room.

Riley rolled his eyes. “If you mean you know how to suck the joy out of the room, then yeah, I get it.”

Matty huffed impatiently. “No, Riley. He’s an actual vampire. Like, drinks blood to survive kinda vampire.”

Riley tittered. “Hun, are you okay? Has someone spiked your drink?”

Everyone was watching with keen interest now. Dagon and Dimitri were grinning, while Harlow was biting his knuckles to keep his laughter in.

Okay, so we probably should’ve come up with a better plan of attack than this one. Not knowing what else to do, I held my hands up warningly. “Don’t freak out.”

I let my fangs descend fully, drawing my lips back to put them on full display.
