Page 189 of Justice

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He rolled his eyes. “Never, sunshine. That will literally never happen.”

I hugged him tight before pulling him into the centre of the party so I could celebrate exactly the way I wanted.

With Sebastian firmly at my side.


The call had come in the dead of night.

Unlike others, this one hadn’t threatened our peace. It hadn’t required Sebastian to go running to help because some situation had gone south. It hadn’t seen me locked in a panic room with the other human mates, a couple of supes left to guard us.

No, this call was completely different. The one we’d waited five long years for, but never truly believed we’d get.

The one telling us there was a child waiting. A supe without parents who needed a forever home.

A month later, I still couldn’t believe it.

Stretching awake, I did the same thing I did every morning—jumped straight out of bed and raced to the nursery.

Like always, my husband was already awake. As he’d envisaged all those years ago, he took charge of night feeding, not needing as much sleep as I did.

I paused in the doorway, my heartstrings pulling as I watched my husband coo over our four-month-old son.

“There you go, Geralt,” he said, buttoning up his Babygro. “All clean and fresh. Right, how about we wake Daddy and go see the duckies? Would you like that? You like the duckies, don’t you? You do. Yes you do!”

Sebastian had worried for years about how he’d be as a father.

Me? I never worried about how he’d be. I knew he’d be perfect.

And I was always right.

Sebastian tickled Geralt’s tummy, making him giggle and squeal. I had to close my eyes as tears of happiness burned there.

Not that it mattered. It wouldn’t be the first time Sebastian had caught me crying in the doorway, and it likely wouldn’t be the last.

Sebastian lifted Geralt into the air. “Whoosh! Up you go. Like an airplane. When you get your wings, will you fly Papa around? Take him high in the sky?”

Geralt was a demon, but he wouldn’t get his wings for another few years. Fortunately Uncle Ferry, along with several other demonic ‘uncles,’ had promised to be on hand to help teach him to fly and harness his other demonic powers. “Well he certainly won’t be taking Daddy, I can assure you of that.”

Sebastian’s face lit up at the sound of my voice. I used to think his scowl was the most perfect sight, but that wasn’t true. It was his smile that I treasured. “Morning, sunshine! We were just about to come and wake you.”

“Morning.” I joined them by the changing table, kissing first Geralt, then Sebastian. “Good night?”

“He slept four hours straight,” Sebastian said brightly, passing him over to me. “Here, he’s been fed and changed. Why don’t you have snuggles while I go and make us breakfast?”

“Sounds perfect,” I murmured, cuddling Geralt close. His tiny hand grabbed onto the neck of my T-shirt. I breathed him in, revelling in the smell of our son.

Our son. We had a son.


He paused in the doorway. “Yes, sunshine?”

I smiled at him, the vampire who’d told me I deserved everything, then fought every day to give it to me. Who gave me the passionate, all-consuming love I’d craved, along with the stability and safety I needed. “I love you. So very, very much.”

Love filled his eyes, echoing in a gentle hum along the bond. He walked back to me, kissing me lightly and resting his hand on Geralt’s head.

“I love you too. Both of you. I’m going to spend eternity making you both happy.”

Geralt hiccuped as I smiled at my husband. “You already do.”
