Page 25 of Justice

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But Colin? He’d earned several hours of my time and skill. I didn’t want to rush that.

One thing I was sure about was that I needed to get this done and be gone. I’d spent too much time stalking this human and worrying about him. It was changing me. Shifting my priorities.

I’d had centuries of only caring about myself. Now was not the time to add someone else to the list. Especially not a human.

Not again. And certainly not a human as pure and joyful as Matty. I’d ruin him. My black soul would taint him into something beyond recognition.

I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

So I’d dole out the justice for my sunshine, then I’d be on my way.

When I was several streets away from Matty and the temptation to seek him out, I stopped and pulled out my laptop. It didn’t take me long to locate Jeremy’s surname and address.

Time to get started.

As I’d suspected, my lesson with Jeremy didn’t take long. If the physical punishment I’d doled out didn’t improve his behaviour in future, the compulsion I’d left on his mind would.

Let’s just say I was quite literally going to be the face of Jeremy’s nightmares going forward.

Now it was time for Colin.

Despite Leo’s refusal to hand over his address, I’d been able to track him down. It had just taken me slightly longer. The key had been the app that Leo and Matty used.

Something else to know about me—I’m not just an assassin. I’m also the supe others call for anything technology related.

I’d yet to come across a system I couldn’t hack. Last New Year’s Eve, I’d hacked into the US Military database and sent them all a cat video.

What can I say? I was bored. And it had counted as my good deed for the year. I’d realised I’d made it all the way until December 31st, so figured…why not?

My little prank had highlighted the various weak points in their system. If they were smart, they’d fix them before someone with more nefarious intentions followed the path I had.

I’d probably do the same thing again this New Year’s Eve. I already had a video saved and ready—an amusing dog one this time.

I started off by downloading the GPS locations both Matty and Leo had visited. Leo had told me the incident had happened following a night out at the club, meaning I could eliminate any movement during the day.

I also knew this event had taken place prior to the battle in Hell. If it had happened when Ferry was topside, he would have intervened.

Nothing Leo could have said would’ve stopped him.

Then it was just a matter of running through the locations Matty had been at, followed not long after by Leo.

There were only four.

The first and third were at a house rented by Riley and Ethan. I knew from my…stalking, that these were friends of Matty’s.

The fourth was a bar. Matty had been there for less than an hour before Leo joined him.

Which left the second address. A house Matty’s location had pinged at following a few hours at a club.

Followed by Leo’s an hour later.

Within thirty seconds, I had the full rundown of the property owner. Colin Delaney. Twenty-nine. Worked in IT support for the council.

He was probably one of those who just told frustrated people to turn it off and turn it on again. Shame the skills he used for work weren’t advanced enough to keep me out of his network.

Any uncertainty I’d had over whether he was the one I wanted were erased by a quick glance at his search history.

If I hadn’t already planned on killing him, I would’ve based on that alone. It was so much worse than I’d thought. Bile had risen in me at the depraved things I’d discovered.
