Page 26 of Justice

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Just what had he done to my sunshine?

I was silent as I broke into his house, creeping like a shadow into his bedroom. Colin was in his bed. Sprawled on his back, his chest rose and fell as he slept peacefully.

My lip curled. He was handsome. The most dangerous predators usually were. Just look at all the supes in Toby’s little group. They weren’t attractive by chance. No, it was another string to the bow, another lure to entice unsuspecting humans into the net.

It was a shame for Colin that he was about to meet a predator far more dangerous than he could ever hope to be.

Not wanting my fun to be cut short, I threw up a compulsion net. Taking off my jacket, I draped it over the back of a chair and rolled up my sleeves. This visit would require my full range of movement.

Colin woke up as I straddled his waist. He grunted in surprise, squinting at me through the darkness. “Who the fuck are you?”

“My name is Sebastian.” He tried to throw me off, but his strength had nothing on mine. He didn’t shift me an inch. “You made a very grave error, Colin. You’re owed a punishment, and I’m here to settle the debt.”

Colin froze. “I didn’t do nothing.”

I sighed, extracting Bessie from my boot. Normally, I didn’t bother using this dagger on humans, but this death was special. Colin had earned it. “That double negative alone would seal your fate, but believe me, Colin…you have done something. Something to someone you should’ve steered well clear of.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Colin said, sweat beading along his hairline. “I didn’t touch no one.”

I ran Bessie along the side of his face, a trickle of crimson pooling in its wake. “I didn’t say anything about you touching someone. Tell me, why’d your brain go there, Colin?”

“Look, I have money,” Colin said, his eyes darting around the room as he sought out an escape. “I can pay you.”

“You mean the two-hundred and seventy-three pounds in your current account with NatWest? Given you owe over five thousand pounds on your Tesco credit card, I don’t think you’re in a position to offer me anything.”

Colin’s jaw gaped wide. “How do you know that? Who are you?”

“You don’t need to know, Colin.” I leaned closer, letting my fangs descend. Venom was blooming in my mouth, slicking my elongated canines. The gasp of horror Colin gave was music to my ears. “All you need to know is you went after the wrong person. You hurt my sunshine, so now I’m going to hurt you.”

“Please,” he begged, tears running down his face. They stirred nothing in me. “I can get money.”

“I don’t want your money,” I hissed. My eyes darkened as bloodlust took over. “I want justice.”

He went to speak again and I hit my limit. Thrusting my fingers into his mouth, I grabbed his tongue roughly. “No. There will be no more begging. No more bargaining.”

The fool gagged as he continued to try to do just that.

“Guess we’re doing this the hard way.”

Pulling his tongue out as far as I could, I paused with Bessie pressed against it. “Actually, before we get started, is this where you hurt him?”

The acrid smell of urine had me rolling my eyes. Pathetic. “W-w-wha?—?”

“This room,” I said calmly, releasing Colin’s tongue so he could answer me. “Is this the room where you hurt my sunshine?” When it became clear I needed to narrow down who I meant, I elaborated. “Matty. You met him in a club five months ago. His brother arrived and tried to teach you a lesson, one I’m about to reinforce.”

Tears mingled with snot on his face as his eyes flashed with recognition. “It was…d-d-downstairs. The sofa.”

“Looks like we’re relocating then, Colin. First though, let’s make sure we don’t have any more tedious interruptions from you.”

It took less than a second for Bessie to remove Colin’s tongue.

Blood bubbled up Colin’s throat as he tried to scream. Venom dripped from my fangs as the desire to feed overcame me.

No. I wouldn’t taint myself with anything from this disgusting excuse of a human. I’d waste every drop.

But not before I’d had my revenge.

I swallowed the venom and forced my body to hold it back. When I knew it was safe, I held Colin’s jaw open in a steel grip. I spat into his mouth. Once. Twice. Three times.
