Page 33 of Justice

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However, it had been the other piece of information he’d divulged that had made me change my plans. Apparently Leo and Ferry were in Edinburgh for the long weekend. They weren’t the only ones who were away either—Lucky and his mates had absconded to Europe for a few days.

Which meant all of the supes who normally kept watch over Matty were gone.

“It’s fine,” River had explained when I’d demanded to know what precautions had been put in place for his safety. “Ferry has the flat warded to high heaven, and Leo made Matty promise to message the group chat if he needed anything at all.”

Logically, River was correct.

Logic was not working for me now. Not where Matty was concerned.

So instead of being busy unaliving an American senator like I was supposed to be, I was trailing around after a human while he shopped for yarn.

Does anyone know where Sebastian is? Because he’s sure as fuck not here right now.

Matty didn’t stop talking as he filled the basket with ball after ball of yarn. He told me about the essay he’d just written. A new biscuit recipe he wanted to try. The next book he was reading as part of Oscar’s little ‘book club.’

If anyone had glanced over, they might’ve thought I wasn’t listening. Hundreds of years doing my job meant I was skilled at keeping a constant look of disdain on my face.

In truth, I was drinking in every drop of information Matty gave me. No, I couldn’t say I cared about the people or things that he was telling me about, but for some disturbing reason, I cared that Matty cared.

My obsession with this human was going too far. I didn’t like it. I didn’t understand why I was feeling this way after centuries of keeping everyone at arm’s length.

Why couldn’t I just walk away?


My head shot up, and I realised Matty had asked me something. “What?”

“Which colour do you prefer?” He was holding two different balls, one blue and the other dark brown.

“I honestly don’t care. Why are you asking me?”

Matty’s lips curved down at the edges and I cursed myself. I was so used to speaking without a filter, I hadn’t realised how harsh my words could sound.

Before I could say anything else, Matty was smiling brightly and returning the balls to the shelf. “No worries. I’ll find something else.”

“Wait,” I said gruffly, grabbing the brown one and shoving it in the basket. “This one. It’s the same colour as your eyes.”

Said eyes widened before Matty shook himself, shyly grabbing another ball of the same colour. “Better get two for what I’ve got in mind.”

I grunted, dying to ask what he was making. I couldn’t speak. My fangs were descending against my will, begging me to sink them into the creamy skin of his throat.

This was dangerous. I was getting too close to Matty.

No one would like that. Least of all me.

Caring for someone, loving them, only led to pain. Betrayal. Heartbreak.

I kept silent through the rest of Matty’s shopping trip. I had to fight the urge to insist on paying when we got to the till. But Matty wasn’t mine to spoil.

And he won’t ever be. Don’t even go there.

Once he’d paid, I rushed him out of the shop and back into my car. I reached across him to open his door, my arm brushing against his chest.

It was the smallest of touches, but the reaction started like an avalanche.

Matty’s breath caught in his throat.

His pulse began to quicken in his throat.
