Page 34 of Justice

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My fangs lengthened.

My cock stiffened.

Bite him.

I yanked my arm back like it had been burned. “Get in the car.”

Matty swallowed, once again following my order without question. I cursed under my breath as I walked around the back of the car while adjusting myself. My cock was begging me to take him home and see if he was just as obedient when naked. Would he go to his knees for me? Let me fuck him until he was speaking in tongues? Hold back his orgasm until I gave him permission to come?

Matty was dangerous. My resolve to stay away weakened with every minute I spent in his presence.

If Matty thought our interaction had been odd, he didn’t say anything when I joined him. Instead, he spent the drive back to his place excitedly pulling out various balls of yarn and explaining what he was going to make with them.

“And these ones are for the Southampton General fundraiser. I’m going to make a teddy from them to be auctioned off.”

I frowned over at the pink balls in his hands. “Why?”

Matty laughed like I’d said something funny. “To raise money, silly.”

“I know what a fundraiser is, Matty. But why are you doing it?”

“Umm…to be kind? Don’t you ever do things just to be nice?”


“Hmm…” Matty’s eyes were sparkling with mischief. “I dunno, I think you driving me to the shop and back to avoid me taking the bus is pretty nice.”

No, that was keeping him safe.

“And stepping in when you saw how uncomfortable Jeremy was making me. That was also nice.”

“Trust me, Matty. You can ask any of the others and they’ll tell you I’m far from nice.”

“You’ve always been nice to me.”

I bit back a sigh as I pulled up outside Matty’s home. “That’s different.”


I met his eyes coolly. “Because it’s you.”

I tried not to notice the perfect way the blood filled Matty’s face. How it rushed up his neck, blooming across his delicate cheekbones. My fangs punched through my gums as my cock pulsed.

Matty’s tongue swiped over his lip before he cut his gaze away. “We’re friends…right?”

His question was like diving into an ice-cold river. “I don’t have friends.”

“Everybody needs friends.”

“Not me.”

“Well, you do now. We’re friends. I’ve decided and there’s no going back on that now.”

My heart sank as I took in how his lower lip jutted out defiantly. How the fuck was I supposed to say no to that? “What exactly does being your ‘friend’ entail?”

Matty must’ve known he had me on the ropes because he fucking beamed at me. “Nothing too onerous. Hanging out occasionally. Grabbing dinner or coffee, maybe. Giving me your phone number.”

That didn’t sound too bad. Maybe being Matty’s friend was the best option. It’d allow me to keep him safe, and I’d be close enough to him to get my fix whenever I needed it. “Okay.”
