Page 35 of Justice

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“Excellent.” Matty was bouncing in his seat. “Let’s start right now. Come upstairs and I’ll get you something to eat.”

Visions of the kind of meal Matty could give me spun through my mind. Fuck, I bet he’d taste so sweet. The forbidden nectar that could sustain me for years. I’d make it so good for him too, have him purring my name as I sank my fangs into his soft skin and…


I jumped, clearing my throat. “Um…sure. I just need to make a quick phone call. I’ll meet you up there in five minutes?”

“Okay.” Matty flashed me his dimples before leaning forward to grab his bag of yarn.

“Leave that,” I said sharply. “I’ll bring it.”

Matty rolled his eyes at me. “I can manage it.”

I glared at him. “I didn’t say you couldn’t. I said I’ll bring it.”

His lips twitched like he found me amusing. “Fine. I’ll let you feel like a big man this once.”

He moved to get out of the car, but I grabbed his upper arm, hauling him towards me. “Don’t pretend you don’t like me taking care of you, Matty. Your pretty cheeks give you away.”

The aforementioned cheeks blushed a deeper pink. I had to swallow back a growl as his eyes dropped to my lips.

To my utter shock, Matty called me out. “Doesn’t matter what I like though, does it? We’re just friends.”

Fuck, he was right. What was I doing? I let him go hastily. “Go upstairs, Matty. I’ll be right behind you.”

Not in the way I want to be though.

Matty didn’t say another word as he left me alone with my thoughts. When had my desire to make him smile turned into desire for Matty himself?

I hit my head on the steering wheel as I cursed internally. Maybe I needed to leave. This ‘friendship’ idea was sounding more ridiculous by the second.

But then I spotted the bag in the footwell. Matty had left it…just as I’d asked.

God, I was so screwed. I couldn’t go there with him. Not only would the demons strip my skin from my bones, I’d only end up hurting Matty.

I’d done a lot of heinous shit over the centuries. Things that would make the inhabitants of the ninth circle of Hell cringe. I’d done it all without batting an eyelid, before moving on with my life like nothing had happened.

That wouldn’t be the case if I hurt Matty, I knew that with as much certainty as I did my own name. There’d be no moving on. No forgetting it.

I didn’t actually need to make a phone call. It wasn’t like anyone was waiting on me. Well, except the American senator I’d been hired to eliminate. I was sure he wouldn’t mind living for a few extra weeks.

The human who’d hired me wouldn’t dare complain if I didn’t meet my deadline. Not when I’d made it clear what the consequences of rushing me were.

Namely, being added to my ‘to-do’ list themselves.

No, what I needed was time to work my way past the various wards without alerting anyone. Like all of the human mates’ properties, Leo and Matty’s flat had been warded by Ferry, Harlow, and River.

Before I’d met Matty, I would’ve said it was total overkill. Now though, I was happy for the several layers of protection around him.

None of them were aware that I was able to counter their wards. Even Toby didn’t know. Given how many of my hits were on supes, it was knowledge I’d had to acquire a long time ago.

I made my way to the outer doorway where the first layer of wards was. Casting a compulsion net around me, I removed my dagger from its sheath. It was coated in a substance I purchased regularly from a witch who lived in Scotland. I paid a hefty price for it every time, but it hadn’t failed me yet.

Not only could it pierce the shields of supes, as Leo had discovered when rescuing Ferry, it could also break wards.

Bright light flared as I temporarily broke the ward. I jumped across it quickly and repeated the process on the wards outside Matty’s front door, landing directly in front of it. I couldn’t do this when Ferry or one of the others who’d set the wards was inside them, but seeing as Matty was alone right now, that wasn’t an issue.

The wards resealed behind me with no one any the wiser.
