Page 43 of Justice

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I pushed up on my toes, determined to do just that.

Sebastian ripped himself away from me so fast I stumbled, catching myself with one hand on the wall.

He was on the other side of the room, his back pressed against the door. How had he got over there so fast?

“Sorry,” he said, bowing his head. “We…we can’t do that, Matty.”

Frustration bubbled in me. “Why not?”

His lips twisted up on one side. “You know why. I’m no good for you. You’re looking for forever with someone. That person isn’t me.”

“Maybe I don’t need forever,” I whispered. “What I do need is you. Right now.”

Sebastian let out a rattling breath before his stormy eyes met mine. “Don’t tempt me, Matty. I can’t say no to you.”

“I don’t want you to say no.” I stepped closer, smiling encouragingly. “Say yes. Say yes to me.”

Sebastian’s body was trembling, the muscles in his arms and neck corded like he was physically holding himself back. “Matty?—”

A shrill beeping cut him off and had me taking off towards the noise. “Oh fluffernut, the enchiladas are ready.”

Sebastian followed me into the kitchen. “Fluffernut is a new one.”

I groaned as I pulled the dish from the oven and put it on top of the hob. “You know I don’t like swearing.”

“It’s a real fucking shame,” Sebastian murmured. He was so close, I could feel his breath on my neck. “The English language is so much richer when you use the full range of vocabulary provided.”

My hands were shaking as I pulled out a chopping board and a knife. “My substitutions are creative.”

“Fluffernut is definitely…creative.”

I started to chop the spring onions ready to garnish the enchiladas. “My favourite one is gumb-ouch.”

The knife had slipped, catching the end of my finger. Blood poured from the cut, pooling on the board. The sight had the room shifting beneath me. Whooshing sounds filled my ears as black spots danced at the edges of my vision. “Oh dear.”

Steady arms caught me before I hit the ground. Just like the day before, Sebastian lifted me easily, cradling me against his chest. “For fuck’s sake, Matty. You need to be more careful when handling dangerous objects.”

“It was a small knife,” I said in protest as he lowered me to the sofa. “Besides, it was your fault, you were distracting me.”

Sebastian lifted my hand to study the cut. I took one look at the red running down my hand and that was it.

Everything went black.

By the time I came around, Sebastian was leaning over me with a pinched expression on his face.

“Shit, Matty. Talk about scaring the fuck out of me.”

“We should get you a swear jar,” I murmured. I didn’t try to move, knowing I needed to let my body rest for a minute. Sebastian had thoughtfully put my feet up on several pillows, elevating them above my head. “Within a week you could pay for us to go to Paris like Lucky and his men.”

“Matty, I don’t need a swear jar for that. I’ll take you to Paris right now if it’ll make you smile.”

My lips turned up at his joke. “You always make me smile, Seb.”

Okay, I needed to survey the damage. Without passing out this time. It had been deep, that much I knew. It’d be just my luck to end up having a needle jabbed into me rather than Sebastian’s cock.

But when I lifted my hand, there was nothing more than a tiny plaster covering the end. “Is that it?”

Sebastian grunted. “I cleaned it up while you were out. Didn’t need more than a plaster, and to be honest, you can probably take that off in a bit.”
