Page 48 of Justice

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The longer I held him, the more I wished I could be that for him. His safety net. His rock. The person he could always count on.

But I couldn’t be that for anyone.

Need warred with fear, the latter winning out.

“You know what I want, sunshine,” I murmured desperately, needing him to come so I could leave. Get far away from him before I did something stupid. “Let go for me.”

Like he’d been waiting for my command, Matty cried out hoarsely as warm liquid covered my hands.

I eased him through the final waves, stroking him gently until he got too sensitive and started to squirm.

Extracting my hands carefully, I examined my work. White was oozing through the detailing on the panties, his cock limp beneath. “Perfection.”

Matty spun around to face me, and the grin on his face took my breath away. It was one I’d never seen before. A sleepy, contented smile that threatened to be my undoing. Suddenly I was picturing him giving it to me over coffee in the morning after a long night out on the town followed by several orgasms. After sleepless hours of night feeds, a baby snuggled in his arms.

“You’re the perfect one,” Matty whispered, reaching out to touch me.

I reeled back. No. I wasn’t perfect. And that was exactly why we’d never have those moments. I’d fail Matty at every turn, the way I’d failed my family.

Matty’s smile slipped at my abrupt move away. I held up my hands, still covered in his cum, as explanation. “Bathroom.”

I scrubbed my hands clean, making sure there wasn’t a drop of Matty left on them. When I was done, I clutched the porcelain basin and glared at myself in the mirror.

What the fuck are you doing? You have nothing to offer Matty except a broken heart.

I took a few minutes to straighten myself up, but really, I was using the time to pull myself together. To remind myself of all the reasons why I couldn’t go out there and kiss Matty breathless.

He’s human.

You’re a literal assassin.

The last time you gave your heart away, you lost everything.

I smoothed my hair back with both hands, watching as the last drop of emotion leeched from my eyes. There. That was better.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, Matty was nowhere to be seen. I froze at the sight of his cum-stained lace panties on the floor.

No. I shouldn’t take them.

That would be wrong.

So very wrong.

Did I shove them deep in my pocket before leaving the room?

Of course I fucking did. I had a reputation for a reason.

Matty was in the living room, perched on the very edge of the sofa. He was nibbling at the side of his thumb nail, deep in thought.

“You okay?”

He jumped, a sheepish look on his face. “Crikey, Seb. You scared the life out of me.”

I shifted uneasily on my feet. This wasn’t how my hookups usually went. Normally I’d be out the door the second it was over, not giving so much as a backwards glance. Then again, I only ever fooled around with other supes who, like me, were just looking for a quick release.

“I’d better be going.”

“Oh.” Matty pouted. God, how I wanted to bite down on that lip. “We haven’t had dinner yet.”
