Page 52 of Justice

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I busied myself getting plates out of the cupboard. “Don’t be silly. I was fine.”

“Really?” Leo gave me that look that said he didn’t believe me. Ferry leaned past me to grab knives and forks. “What did you get up to?”

Memories raced through my mind, all of them featuring Sebastian. “Umm…well, I went out on a date on Sunday.”

Both Ferry and Leo froze.

“A date?”

“Yes,” I said patiently in response to Ferry’s question. I took the cutlery from his hands and laid it on the table. “I’m an adult who goes out on dates. That’s normal.”

Another little look exchanged. Most of the time their secret coupley language made me jealous. Tonight though, it was irritating me.

“We didn’t mean it like that,” Ferry said smoothly. “You know we worry about you.”

“With good reason,” Leo muttered, sitting in a chair.

I stiffened at the mention of that night, colour flooding my face. “I can look after myself.”

Leo jumped and glowered at Ferry. Had he kicked him under the table? Whatever he’d done had my brother giving me a pained look. He jumped to his feet, pulling me into a familiar hug. “Sorry, Matty. I didn’t mean to suggest you can’t. We just worry about you, that’s all.”

“I know,” I said heavily, my voice muffled by his chest. “I just…hate that you have to.”

“I know.” He smoothed his hand over my curls, the way he always had when I was a child. “If it helps, you could be six foot three and seventeen stone of pure muscle, and I’d still worry about you.”

“If you say so,” I said lightly, pulling out of his grip. It occurred to me that I should tell them about Colin, but I couldn’t bring myself to go into it. Now that Sebastian had reassured me about it, I felt oddly fine. Like I could close the door on it. “How about we have some of this lasagna before it goes cold? I want to hear all about your trip.”

That was enough to distract them. Leo told me all about the sights they’d seen in Edinburgh before heading up into the Highlands. Ferry didn’t add much, only speaking when prompted by Leo. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested, Ferry was just so intent on watching Leo speak that he seemed to forget there was a conversation even happening. He hung on every word, a small smile on his lips, like Leo was describing the meaning of life rather than a meal they’d had in a Mediterranean café.

Would anyone ever look at me like that? The image of Sebastian behind me in the mirror flickered through my mind, but I shoved it away.

There was no point dwelling on someone I couldn’t have.

When our plates were clear, Leo turned the conversation back to me. “So, tell me about your date. What was he like?”

I gave a noncommittal shrug. “It was fine. He was very nice.”

“Nice is good,” Ferry said encouragingly. “Are you going to see him again?”

“Probably not.” I kept my tone light as I gathered our plates. “I’m not sure he’s what I’m looking for.”

Leo gave Ferry a secret smile. “Sometimes what you’re looking for isn’t what you need.”

Sebastian’s words from the night before echoed in my mind.

That’s not what you deserve.

“Maybe you’re right,” I said, stacking the dishes in the dishwasher. “Maybe I should go for someone different. Someone who…excites me.”

Leo waggled his brows at me as he joined me, stacking our glasses on the top rack. “Got someone specific in mind?”

I took a deep breath. I knew I didn’t have a shot with Sebastian, but keeping this quiet was gnawing away inside of me. Besides, I usually told Leo everything. Not telling him this felt…wrong. “Maybe. You know Sebastian? He stopped by here a few months ago.”

The glass in Leo’s fingers slipped. Thankfully, Ferry was there to catch it. He gave my brother a warning glance before addressing me. “Have you been…seeing Sebastian?”

“Not like that.” Much to my dismay. “No, I’ve seen him around and I…” My voice trailed off at the murderous glance the other two exchanged. “Okay, what’s going on?”

“Sebastian isn’t a good…person.” Leo spat. He folded his arms, his forearms bunched. “You need to stay away from him.”
