Page 53 of Justice

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My eyebrows flew up. “Excuse me?”

“Leo’s right,” Ferry said, in a far kinder tone. “We’re just looking out for you here, Matty. Sebastian isn’t right for you.”

Now I was the one folding my arms. “Why?”

My question seemed to throw Leo. He gave me a puzzled look. “Why what?”

“Why isn’t he good enough for me? What is it about him that makes him not a good person?” Silence was all that met my question. “Well? You can’t tell me to stay away from someone and not have any logical reasons. I’m twenty-one, not five.”

“He’s…he’s just not who I’d choose for you,” Leo said helplessly, pushing a hand through his curls.

My chin lifted. “How well do you really know him?”

“Well enough,” Ferry said darkly. “Matty, we really are just looking out for you here.”

I took a step back, shaking my head sadly. “No, what you’re doing is keeping things from me. You can’t tell me to stay away from someone but not tell me why. That’s just not good enough.”

I could’ve told them they didn’t need to worry. That Sebastian had made it abundantly clear he didn’t want anything to do with me.

Instead, I turned my back on them and walked away. I didn’t stop until I was in my bedroom, firmly closing the door behind me.

With a sigh, I let my head fall back against it. All I’d wanted was to confide in my brother about my stupid, useless crush. Instead I’d been made to feel like a small, helpless child in need of guidance.

Maybe this was why Sebastian didn’t want me. He probably wanted someone who had his shit together. Who didn’t need someone else riding in to save the day. Who didn’t have an older brother who tried to wrap him up in cotton wool.

I’d been right last night.

Perhaps I was better off on my own.

Chapter 11


Ibroke into Matty’s flat. Again. Something I was fully aware was stepping over several lines.

But the thought of his last memory of me being one where I upset him?

That was intolerable.

Now hopefully he’d look back on that night fondly. Perhaps he’d think of me when he used the hooks I’d acquired from the craft shop. I hadn’t even stolen them. Usually when I needed an item, I’d simply lift it from the store when it was closed and feel not an ounce of guilt over it.

But when I’d tried to do that last night, Matty’s face had swum in front of my eyes. He wouldn’t like me doing that, especially not with something I was getting for him. The guilt would eat him alive.

And yes, he’d never know…but I’d know. Apparently that was enough to have me dropping cash on the counter before I left.

I was sitting on a roof a few buildings down from Matty’s. As soon as Leo and Ferry were back, I’d be leaving. Going to America to unalive the senator, then wherever my next job would take me.

It was time for me to get back to my normal life. I’d been perfectly content before Matty.

Now I had to learn how to be content after him.

There was no logical reason why I couldn’t leave right now though. Matty would be fine. It wasn’t like he needed to be watched twenty-four seven. He wasn’t mated to a supe, and his association to Ferry meant it was highly unlikely anyone would be foolish enough to try anything.

But still I stayed. I needed to know he was safe.

Then I’d be on my way.

Matty didn’t step outside his flat the entire day. I couldn’t decide whether I was grateful or pissed off. Realistically, I shouldn’t want to see him. My resolve to leave was paper fucking thin. One smile from Matty and it would disintegrate completely.
