Page 57 of Justice

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All the supes, plus Leo, trudged towards the door that led to the basement. Inside there was a weapons cache that could rival that of MI6.

Having been inside both, I had to say MI6 had the edge. Their toys were far more fun to play with than the ones the demons used.

Knowing I wouldn’t be going with them, I stayed where I was.

They were back before long, Danny looking slightly put out.

“Well?” Oscar demanded, as soon as Cal reappeared. “You’re taking us with you, right?”

Bailey and Lucky stood behind him, glaring at their respective mates, daring them to say no.

“Of course.” Cal sighed before kissing Oscar’s forehead. “I hate that we’re dragging you along, but I’m not leaving you here in case it’s a trap like last time.”

Last time, when Cal’s dad, Lucifer, came topside, murdered the human mates, and took them all to Hell.

“Plus, we aren’t sure if the deal requires you all to be there or not,” Dagon added grimly, yanking Lucky into his arms. “So you’re coming with us, just in case.”

“Thank fuck,” Lucky said as Dimitri came up behind them. “I can’t be left behind again.”

“Never, little one,” Dimitri murmured in his ear.

I tore my gaze away, my gut souring. “What about Matty?”

Several faces turned my way, but it was Leo who snarled at me. “What about Matty?”

I gritted my teeth and reminded myself that Matty would be upset if I was rude to his brother. “You can’t just leave him here unprotected.”

“We aren’t,” Ferry said, pointing at a pouting Danny. “Pup here is going to stay and watch over him.”

“Told you not to call me that,” Danny grumbled. “Matty’ll be fine. I’d be better off coming with you.”

“Matty will be fine,” I said, getting off my stool and squaring my shoulders for the inevitable onslaught. “Because I’m going to stay and keep an eye on him.”

Just as I’d predicted, that announcement went down like a lead balloon.

“Out of the question,” Leo hissed.

Ferry added, “Over my dead body.”

Neither of those statements fazed me. But Lucky’s quiet question did.


I refused to answer it. I didn’t even acknowledge that I’d heard it. “I am perfectly capable of keeping Matty safe. Take Danny with you and I’ll stay here.”

Leo’s face hardened. “Matty isn’t yours to protect, Sebastian. You told us you’d stay away from him. You promised.”

The sour feeling in my gut increased. See, this is why you’d never work. They all know you aren’t good enough for him. They’d never be okay with it.

“This is about keeping him safe,” I said through gritted teeth. For a moment, I wished Toby was here. He’d back me. Not only was he the only one who knew the truth about my past, but he’d known me before. Back when my soul was whole and my heart unbroken. “I can do that from a distance. He won’t even know I’m there.”

Lucky started to speak. “Maybe we should?—”

“No.” Leo shot Lucky an apologetic glance for interrupting. But there was no apology in his eyes when he looked back at me. “Danny will be staying at our place and looking after Matty while we’re gone. That’s final.”

Fine. They could have it their way.

I didn’t say another word to them. Didn’t wish them luck or ask to be kept informed. I just stalked from the club, not stopping until I got to my car.
