Page 56 of Justice

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Cal’s expression faltered. “I know. I just…”

Cal’s mate, Oscar, stepped up next to him, putting his hand on his arm. “Cal, it’s okay.”

“It’s not.” Cal’s head hung low. “You keep getting dragged into this shit and it’s not fair.”

I crossed my legs at the ankles as I studied them. Before, I would’ve mocked them for worrying about their human mates. It wasn’t like they could be killed—not easily, anyway. They were as strong as their demon counterparts.

But now I was imagining myself in their shoes. Faced with potentially dragging Matty into danger.

Yeah. I wouldn’t be on Dimitri’s side. There was no way.

A small debate broke out again as the brothers all argued amongst themselves. I let them get on with it. They were going to go. Cal wouldn’t be able to stop himself being helpful. Especially not if Oscar was on board.

I pulled out Bessie and threw it up in the air a few times. Hopefully it wouldn’t be long before they came to the same realisation I had.

Not that I’d be going with them.

“Didn’t think this was your scene.” Danny sidled up next to me, leaning against the bar.

“It’s not.”

“Then why are you here?”

I threw the dagger higher before giving Danny a withering look. “I told you, I was in the area.”

“Mmm, sure.” Danny smirked at me, like he could see through my bullshit. “Nothing to do with Matty?”

I fumbled, the dagger nearly slipping from my fingers. “What makes you say that?”

“Please,” he scoffed. “You think Leo and Ferry really went away without having me check in on him?”

Shit. “I don’t know what you’re getting at.”

“Yes, you do.” Danny gave me a lazy grin. “Really, Sebastian. You should pay better attention to your surroundings. You never know who’s watching you from the shadows.”

My dagger was at his throat before he finished his sentence. “Are you threatening me?”

He chuckled, but there was no humour in his eyes. “Depends. You gonna hurt Matty?”

“Of course not,” I hissed. “I was only there because I thought he was alone. I was keeping him safe.”

“If you say so.” Danny’s grin hinted at the wolf hiding within. “Hurt him, and I’ll hurt you. Repeatedly. With several helpers.”

I removed the dagger with a grunt. “It’s not like that.”

Danny chortled, his big hand slamming down on my shoulder. “Keep telling yourself that, hun. I’m here if you wanna chat.”

I stared after him as he sauntered away. Was Danny being…nice to me?

No one had noticed our little altercation, too busy yelling at each other about what they were going to do. I was wondering if I should intervene again, when something rendered that unnecessary.

Cal, Dagon, Dimitri, and Harlow all jerked. Their human mates all winced, rubbing at their chests.

“Ouch,” Oscar said. “What the fuck is that?”

“The deal,” Cal responded heavily, his head hanging low. “Fuck. Nox needs protection. Looks like we’re going after all.”

“If you hadn’t argued, we would be on our way already.” Dimitri threw his arms up in exasperation. “Come on, let’s gear up.”
