Page 59 of Justice

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“So it won’t be a problem,” Danny concluded. “Treat me as your personal companion.”

“But why? I don’t get it.”

Danny sighed dramatically. “Can’t a guy just hang out with another guy for no reason at all?”

My lips twitched. As much as I wanted to push him on it, it would be nice to have the company. “Sure, but I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying to me, Danny. You’re not as secretive as you think.”

He waggled his eyebrows as me suggestively. “Matty, I’ve got secrets as long as my arm. And look, it is freakishly long.”

The limb in question was waved in my face, making me laugh loudly. “Fine, you weirdo. You can stay with me. I don’t get why, but I’m not going to turn down company.”

“Excellent.” Danny checked his watch. “What time is your first lecture?”

“Ten,” I replied. “Wait, don’t you have work?”

His gaze cut away, a faint blush on his cheekbones. “I’m on reduced shifts this week. I’m only needed at the station during the hours you’re at uni.”

My eyes narrowed at him. “That’s awfully convenient.”

Danny’s smirk was flirting with smugness. “Isn’t it just? Looks like me and you are going to be spending lots of time together over the next few days. Ooh, can you make me a red velvet cake?”

Twenty-four hours later, Danny was dropping me off at Highfield campus. With him being Leo’s best friend, I was used to spending time with him.

What I wasn’t used to was him being practically glued to my side. Even the night before, he’d sat with me while I’d crocheted the teddy for the hospital fundraiser while watching Bake Off. I was confident that neither of those activities were ones that Danny usually showed an interest in.

“You don’t have to walk me to the door,” I said for the millionth time.

“But what if you get kidnapped?” Danny said in mock horror, his arm around my shoulders. “Who will keep me in baked goods then?”

“I can’t believe you’ve already finished that red velvet cake. I don’t know whether to be in awe of your appetite or scared of it.”

“It’s your fault for making them so good. How about chocolate fudge cake tonight?”

“Anything for you.” My jaw cracked as I gave a massive yawn. “Sorry. So tired.”

Danny looked down at me sheepishly. “My fault. I didn’t mean to keep you up so late.”

“You are very loud.” That was the understatement of the year. At times I hadn’t been sure whether it was Danny’s snores vibrating the wall, or a passing train. “It’s okay, I’ll pop to Boots after I’m done for the day and grab some ear plugs.”

We’d reached the doors, but Danny stopped me entering by putting both his hands on my shoulders. “No, you’ll wait for me to pick you up and we’ll go together.”

I gave a light laugh. “Danny, I’ll be fine. Believe it or not, I’ve been getting around on my own for years.”

“Matty, I’m serious.” I looked up to see his eyes burning with an intensity I hadn’t seen before. “I need you to meet me after uni. Okay?”

“What’s going on?” I whispered. “Why are you being so weird?”

The intensity vanished in a blink, his easy grin replacing it. “Can you just trust me, Matty? Please?”

Maybe another person would’ve pushed or argued, but I just wanted everyone to be happy. If chauffeuring me around made Danny happy, then who was I to argue?

“Now, how about a big hug?”

I let him wrap me in his arms, squealing when his stubble scratched my neck. He was supposed to be clean shaven for work, but he seemed to have a five o’clock shadow by ten a.m., even when he’d shaved mere hours before.

“Gerrof.” I laughed, wriggling out of his grip. “I told you yesterday, that tickles.”

Danny’s smile was wide as he saluted me. “That’s why I do it.”
