Page 60 of Justice

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I was still chuckling when I walked into the lecture hall and dropped into the seat next to Riley. Ethan wasn’t taking this unit, so it was just the two of us.

He eyed me curiously. “What’s got you smiling this morning?”

“I’m always smiling.”

Riley gave me a pointed look. “No, yesterday you were as miserable as sin.”

Fiddlesticks. I’d spent the entire day moping about Sebastian and wondering if I’d ever see him again. I thought I’d hidden it well.

“So? Who is it?” Riley nudged me with his elbow when I didn’t say anything. I wasn’t hiding Sebastian from him per se…but there was nothing really to tell. After trying to open up to Leo and Ferry, I didn’t fancy doing it again so soon.

“Danny,” I replied, pulling my notebook out of my bag. “It’s not like that though. He’s crashing at mine for a few days while Leo’s away.”

“Sure it’s not like that?” Riley waggled his brows in such a similar way to Danny that I started to laugh again.

“Definitely not. He’s like another caring, albeit slightly annoying, older brother.”

“Hmm.” Riley uncapped his pen as the lecturer entered. Professor Pawley always took her time getting ready, so we still had a few minutes. “You know, I’ve never actually met Danny.”

“What?” I gaped at him. “Surely you must’ve.”

“Nope. Seems criminal really. There you are, knowing a sexy pansexual firefighter, and you haven’t even set us up.”

“How’d you know he’s sexy?”

“It’s my imagination. It fills in all the gaps.” Riley shivered. “Don’t ruin my daydreams by telling me he’s unattractive.”

“It’s okay, he’s hot. Just not my type.”

“Is he my type?”

I patted Riley’s hand. “Riley, I say this with love. Everyone is your type.”

Riley huffed. “Well, why should I limit myself?”

“Cheese sticks, that’s so something Danny would say. If you two ever met, the sexual energy might bring down several nearby buildings.”

Riley was practically bouncing in his seat. “So when are you going to set us up?”

I was saved by Professor Pawley tapping on the microphone. Maybe I should introduce the two of them. Both of them preferred one-night stands to relationships, so they might be a perfect fit.

A better fit than you and Sebastian.

The easy smile I’d worn all morning faded away as the truth of that hit me.

I still hadn’t heard from him. Unable to stop myself this morning, I’d sent him a text. Nothing big, just, Hi, how are you?

No reply. Like before, it showed as read immediately.

Take the hint, Matty, I told myself firmly. You and Sebastian aren’t meant to be. It’s as simple as that.

When our lecture was done, it was lunchtime. Riley tore off to the library. In typical fashion, he’d left his essay until the last minute.

Usually I’d meet up with Ethan and Lucky, but Ethan had text to say he was meeting his boyfriend while Lucky was home sick. Poor guy. I was sure his boyfriends had everything covered, but I made a note to pick up some ingredients to make soup later this evening.

With a lonely lunch hour stretching out in front of me, I decided to go for a walk. It was a crisp autumn day and the sun was high in the sky but with a chill in the air. A.k.a. my favourite kind of weather.

It wasn’t until I peered into my bag that I realised I’d grabbed the wrong hoody. Danny’s had been hung on the hook beside mine. It was the same colour, so an easy mistake to make.
