Page 64 of Justice

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Lies. None of them would be breathing by the time I was done. They’d sealed their fate the instant they’d followed Matty.

“Tell you what, if you want this human back, you’ll need to bring Danny. We want him, you want the human. An easy trade. We’ll meet you at sunset tomorrow, in the centre of the Clan lands.”

“Which clan?”

The shifter gave a humourless laugh. “Danny will know. He might’ve walked away from us, but now it’s time for him to face the music.”

The call cut off and I was moving.

In less than a minute I was in my car.

We wouldn’t be waiting until tomorrow.

I’d have Matty back before sunrise or die trying.

Iwas outside the fire station in under ten minutes.

I shot off two text messages. The first was to Ferry.

Matty has been taken by wolf shifters. Get back now. Danny and I are going after him.

The second was to Danny, telling him to come outside.

Ferry’s name flashed across my screen as my phone began to ring, but I ignored it, returning it to my pocket. I didn’t have any more information to give him right now, and I needed to keep all my focus on finding Matty.

Danny appeared around the corner, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Sebastian? Why are you here?”

Fury was itching at my skin. Anger that Matty had been taken. Been hurt. Assumed to be Danny’s mate.

And look, here was a perfectly convenient outlet for my anger.

Danny didn’t even manage another step forward before I had shoved my stake through his lower jaw. I angled it up, aiming to deliver the maximum amount of pain possible.

Danny’s eyes widened as his body shuddered, trying to shift. I held the stake there, refusing to let him. “You are an absolute fucking moron.”

The light in Danny’s eyes dimmed as he died. I yanked the stake out, flicking the blood off.

That was a common misconception about vampires. Stakes were our weapons of choice. What better way to ensure we always had them to hand than by spreading a rumour that it was the easiest way to kill us?

I had Danny’s body over my shoulder before he could hit the ground. He might’ve been bigger than me, but due to my supe strength, I had no issue carrying him. Thanks to the compulsion net I’d thrown up on arrival, no one saw us leave.

That had been the other reason for killing him. Not only did I get to work off a tiny bit of my anger, but now I didn’t have to waste time explaining things to him.

There’d be plenty of time for that once we got on the road.

I dumped him in the passenger seat before racing around to jump in on the driver’s side. I’d connected my laptop to the display screen in the car, Matty’s location a little blue beacon guiding me to him.

Gravel flew in every direction as the car screeched out of the car park. Danny’s head whacked against the window as his body flopped from side to side.

A better person would’ve done up his seat belt. I wasn’t a better person.

Danny didn’t resurrect until we were on the M3. Matty’s dot showed he was in a car, about fifty miles north of us.

“What the fuck, man?” Danny came to groggily, his hand rubbing his jaw. “Why the fuck did you stake me?”

“Matty’s been taken by wolf shifters.”

All the colour drained from Danny’s face. “No… I don’t believe it. It’s not possible.”
