Page 65 of Justice

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I tapped the screen. “Believe it. They thought he was your mate.”

There was a long silence, then Danny punched my dashboard. “Fuck!”

Good thing I’d disabled the airbags. Wasn’t like they were any use to a supe anyway.

“I had a similar response.”

“Why do they think he’s my mate?” Danny tugged at his hair. “There’s nothing to suggest he’s anything to me.”

I compelled a driver in front that was going too slow to make him move out of my way. “Given you’re currently staying with him and he was wearing your clothes, I imagine it wasn’t that much of a stretch.”

“He was wearing my clothes?”

My mouth was set in a grim line. If Matty was going to be wearing anyone’s clothes, they should be mine.

He’s not actually yours…remember?

I shoved that snide voice into a box and booted it into the deepest part of my psyche. It could fucking stay there until Matty was back at my side.

Until then, I was going to live in denial.

I took a deep breath before asking him the question that was pissing me off most of all. “Did you scent mark him?”

Danny flinched, his guilty silence answer enough.

“You fucking imbecile.” My stake was out and back through his neck. To his credit, Danny didn’t even try to stop me. I pulled it back out, breathing heavily. Danny’s blood was now liberally coating the inside of my car. Thankfully, shifter blood wasn’t that appealing to me.

I was going to have to buy a new car though. Scratch that, Danny was going to have to buy me a new car. It was his fault he was bleeding everywhere.

He’d barely regained consciousness before I was releasing a tirade of venom. “How could you have been so stupid as to scent mark him? For fuck’s sake, Danny! You were all but claiming him by doing that. No wonder they thought he was your mate. What the fuck were you thinking?”

Danny used his shirt to wipe the worst of the blood from his face. “Honestly? I figured it’d give Matty a bit more protection. I knew if any supe came across him and smelled me, they’d run the other way.”

“Unless they happen to be a wolf shifter. Then this is what happens.”

Danny sighed heavily. “I had no idea they were even looking for me. If I had known, there’s no way I would’ve set foot in Leo and Matty’s flat, let alone scent marked him. I was trying to keep him safe.”

“Look how well that worked out.” I seethed, accelerating harder and willing the car to go faster. “If everyone had let me stay with Matty, this never would’ve happened.”

Danny was silent, but I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my face. His attention was making my skin itch. Eventually I couldn’t stand it any longer. I snapped, “What?”

“If you’d told them all how you feel about Matty, they might’ve let you be the one to watch over him.”

“I don’t have any feelings for Matty.”

“Really? Then why are we tearing down the M3 at a hundred and thirty miles per hour? Why have you staked me twice over him?”

My vision turned red and I staked him again.

“Three times,” I muttered.

Unfortunately for me, all that did was get more blood over the car. Danny woke up and immediately started in again. “See, even that proves my point. You have feelings for Matty.”

“I don’t,” I said through gritted teeth. “I just…want to keep him safe.”


I could feel Danny smirking, and I itched to grab my stake again. “Say I had told them I have feelings for Matty…Leo and Ferry still wouldn’t have gone for it.”
