Page 70 of Justice

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I bit my lip and bowed my head. Maybe if I leaned into this weak, pathetic image they had of me, they might let me go. I didn’t even know what an alpha was. Not in the sense they seemed to be talking about it, anyway.

“There’s more.” Excitement bubbled in Rob’s voice. “He’s been scent marked.”

A startled whimper slipped out as Isaac hauled me roughly to my feet. That whimper developed into a thin scream as he fisted my hair painfully and yanked my head to the side.

“No, please,” I begged, shoving at him with my good hand. “I don’t know anything. I didn’t do anything.”

It was as though I hadn’t spoken. Isaac shoved his nose into my neck, inhaling deeply. “Aye. That’s Danny, all right.”

It only lasted a second, then he was letting me go again. I sagged in relief that he hadn’t done anything more than sniff me.

That relief was doused with Isaac’s next words. “Strip him.”

“What?” I scrambled backwards, colliding with two hard bodies. “Why? What are you going to do to me?”

“Don’t worry.” Isaac sneered as rough hands began to tear at my clothes. “We aren’t going to fuck you, human. Danny might stoop that low, but we won’t.”

Tears were streaming from my eyes as article after article of clothing was shredded from my body. Babbling pleas fell from my lips. The monster from my nightmares rose to the forefront of my mind. Memories of how he’d done this. Of how he’d treated me.

Of what he’d tried to do next.

He’s dead. He’s dead. He’s dead.

Cold air hit my skin and silence filled the room. I glanced down to see they’d left me in my panties. The lilac thong left little to the imagination but gave me a drop of comfort that Isaac meant what he’d said.

The silence grew and grew as the men prowled around my body. My teeth started to chatter, my broken hand throbbing and swollen as I cradled it to my chest.

Hold on, sunshine.

Tears were falling steadily now. I did nothing to stop them.

Eventually, Isaac stepped back, the others following suit. “He doesn’t have a mating bite.”

“He’s important to Danny though,” Thomas said hastily. “He’s obviously planning on it. Why would he have marked him?”

Rob shifted on his feet, making Isaac’s glare snap to him. “What aren’t you telling me?”

Rob and Thomas exchanged a look.

I jumped back as Isaac’s hand transformed into a massive paw topped off with lethal claws. He slashed them over Thomas’s throat, his face impassive as the other man fell to his knees.

The whole room spun. This couldn’t be happening. No. No. No.

No one else reacted to the fact that Isaac had murdered someone in front of them. They watched him approach Rob, unblinking in their attention.

“Tell me what you’re hiding,” Isaac growled.

Rob’s face had turned a sickly shade of green. “Thomas…he spoke to someone on the phone. He said the boy isn’t Danny’s mate. That he belongs to him.”

Sebastian had said that?

Isaac prowled closer to Rob. The latter was actually taller and bigger, but you wouldn’t think it from the way Isaac was towering over him. “Who was it?”

Rob’s answer was a whisper, one I couldn’t hear.

“Say that again,” Isaac threatened. “Because I know you didn’t say what I think you did.”

Rob cleared his throat, speaking louder this time. “Sebastian LeClerc.”
