Page 71 of Justice

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There was a beat of silence before the room burst into chaos.

One of the men fled, shoving others aside as he hurtled from the room. Others began grabbing weapons from the table, hands shaking and faces pale.

Isaac though…he rounded on me. “Boy. Are you mated to our alpha? Danny?”

My voice was shaky, barely audible over the noise of the panicking men. “No. I’m not.”

“What about LeClerc? Sebastian?” His eyes were so wide I could see all the white around them. “Are you his?”

His what? His boyfriend? Fuck buddy? Mild acquaintance?

What would Seb want me to say?

“Yes,” I said loudly, lifting my chin in defiance. “I am Sebastian’s.”

Isaac wheeled around on Rob. “He belongs to LeClerc and you brought him here? You fool.”

Rob shrank in on himself. “We figured we’d be okay if we’re all here. Thomas thought we could use him as a bargaining chip to get him to hand over Danny. And once we get him on clan lands?—”

“We’ll never get him back on clan lands,” Isaac hissed. “LeClerc will kill us all long before that.”

Why were they so scared of Sebastian? With everything else going on, it seemed like a trivial thing to focus on, but out of everything that’d happened, it was the thing confusing me the most.

“I hear a car.” A man near the window backed away from it hastily. “He’s here.”

“Okay, let’s try and salvage something from this,” Isaac said. The controlled man of a few moments ago was long gone as he paced the floor. “We have the boy. We’ll follow Thomas’s plan, foolish as it is, and make Sebastian hand Danny over in exchange.”

I could hear the car now. It was travelling at a high speed, getting louder and louder. Brakes screeched. Two car doors opened and slammed, seconds after one another.

And then nothing.

Isaac barked orders to the other men, positioning them around the room. Some of them were holding weapons. There were a few daggers, even a gun or two.

The rest weren’t holding anything, just facing the doorway leading outside with grim expressions.

I was so confused. Were they expecting Sebastian to have a SWAT team with him? I mean, hopefully he did. Hopefully he’d called the police and they were about to storm in and save me.

“You, in the middle of the room,” Issac said, shoving me roughly. “On your knees, right there. So he can see you when he comes in.”

Pain ricocheted up my kneecaps as they crashed into the concrete floor. I no longer cared. Hopefully, rescue was just outside that door. Sebastian was going to burst in with a whole bunch of muscled police officers wielding big guns and save the day.

But when the door finally did swing open, it was just Sebastian standing there.

Something eased in me at the sight of him. His suspenders over his shirt. His slicked-back hair. It was comforting. Familiar.

The blood covering him was disconcerting. It was splattered all over his clothing, dots of it covering his neck and arms. From the casual way he was holding himself, he wasn’t hurt. That was good.

I wouldn’t like it if Sebastian were hurt. Especially if he’d got hurt because of me.

Sebastian surveyed the room slowly, his face totally expressionless as his gaze moved from man to man.

Until he looked at me.

And I realised he wasn’t feeling nothing. No. Sebastian was feeling everything. There was a storm of hatred and vengeance in his eyes, a chaotic swarm of fury unlike I’d ever seen before.

He took a single step forward, and a hand squeezed my shoulder. I flinched in response, the reaction making my injured hand jerk. I bit my lip, holding back the shriek of pain threatening to escape.

Sebastian’s eyes zeroed in on my hand, a growl rattling up his chest as he took another step forward.
