Page 83 of Justice

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I still refused to believe him. “What about Danny? I heard you helping him in there. You’re really telling me you would’ve handed him over to get me back?”

“I helped him because doing so meant I’d have better odds of getting you out of there safely,” he growled. “Don’t mistake me for the hero, Matty. If the only way to save you had been to sacrifice Danny, I would’ve done it without hesitation.”

My mouth dried out as I gaped at him. Would he really have done that for me? Why?

I couldn’t focus on that right now.

“What about the other stuff? Like stakes, and reflections? Oh my god!” My hands flew up to my cheeks. “I ate all that garlic in the restaurant! Why didn’t you stop me?”

“Because garlic doesn’t hurt me.” Sebastian was biting the side of his lip, like he was trying not to laugh. “I can eat human food too, I just prefer not to.”

I thought back over all the time we’d spent together, working through it in my mind. “I’ve been out with you in the sunlight so I know that’s not true.”

Sebastian gave me a cocky smirk. “You should know the reflection one isn’t true either.”

What did he…? My face flushed red as the memory of looking at him in the mirror hit me. Watching as he towered over me, his hand stroking over my length.

Still smirking, Sebastian moved on to the other part of my question. “Stakes don’t hurt us either. It’s all a myth, although that one we actively spread. Quite handy to be attacked with your weapon of choice. A few centuries ago, there was a period where we were being so actively hunted that I didn’t need to bother carrying my own stake around. Such a timesaver.”

Centuries? “Wait, so you can’t die? Vampires just…live forever?”

All humour was wiped from Sebastian’s face as his eyes shuttered. “No. We can die. It’s rare, but other supes can end our immortality.”

My mouth dried out at the thought of all the wolves he’d taken on earlier. “Like wolves?”

Sebastian cut his gaze away. When he spoke, there was a gravelly note to his voice that I’d never heard before. “Yes. Wolf shifters are capable of killing vampires.”

I reached out to him without thinking, my fingers itching to smooth away the creases on his forehead.

Just then, the front door slammed open, then shut, followed by a very familiar voice yelling.

I yanked my hand back, burying it under the blanket. Sebastian didn’t seem to have noticed, his thoughts obviously far away.

“Don’t tell me to wait, Danny. Matty?! Where is he? Is he safe?”

Leo burst through my door a few seconds later, his hair wild and face frantic. “Matty! Oh thank god!”

He swept forwards to grab me, but just like with Danny, I instinctively flinched back.

Sebastian snapped back to himself and was on his feet, his tall body planted between me and my older brother. “Easy, Leo. Give Matty some space.”

Ferry and Danny appeared in the doorway just as Leo shoved Sebastian in the chest. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Let me see my brother. Now.”

He was so angry. Why was he shouting? My hands flew up over my ears, but it was too late.

I was back in that room watching Isaac yelling at Thomas, the man who’d dragged me there.

My chest got tight.

His hand shifting.

Black spots in my vision.

Blood and gore flying.

Pins and needles in my lips.

Unseeing eyes staring at the ceiling.
