Page 82 of Justice

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My brain screeched to a halt. “I’m sorry…what?”

“I’m really not the right person for this,” he muttered.

“Start with you,” I said shakily. “So you…drink blood.”

His lips twisted up on one side. “I do.”

An unbidden fantasy popped into my head. Sebastian sucking my cock. Pulling off to sink his fangs into my thigh. Licking up the blood that spilled before…

Where had that come from? I didn’t even like blood. For fluff’s sake, I fainted at the sight of it.

Although, there was no denying that Sebastian being added to the equation was making my body feel…all sorts of different things. I pulled the blanket tighter around me, grateful that Sebastian couldn’t see the inappropriate way my cock was hardening.

“Why are you blushing, sunshine?” Sebastian tilted his head, a slow smirk working over his face. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“Nothing,” I squeaked. Goodness me, there was no way I was telling him. He’d think I was a complete freak if he knew. I went for the most boner killing question I could think of. “So you…what, kill people?”

Sebastian’s face went blank and he sat back on his haunches. “Yes.”

I shivered. “Because you need to eat.”

“No.” He shuffled back further, like he felt the need to put space between us. “I don’t kill when I feed, Matty. In fact, I’m told if feels quite…pleasurable.”

I squirmed as the fantasy tried to rear his head again. The other information he’d given me kept it at bay. “Why do you kill then?”

“I’m an assassin.” Sebastian’s stared at me woodenly as he spoke. “A hacker too, but that’s more of a side gig. Most of my time is spent as a hired gun. People pay me to murder others. I don’t care if they’re human or supernatural, male or female. Life, especially human life, means very little to me.”

Perhaps it was his expressionless face. Or maybe it was the blunt, dispassionate way he was telling me. But something had me shaking my head. “I don’t believe you.”

“I’m not lying. Why do you think everyone wanted you to stay away from me?”

I huffed. Was he being deliberately obtuse? “No, that’s not what I mean. You do care.”

“I can promise you that I don’t.”

Why was I pushing this so much?

“I don’t believe you. If that’s all you are, if you care so little for humans, then why did you come for me today?”

He didn’t answer at first, his tongue running over his bottom lip. “Like I said…you’re different.”

I refused to believe there wasn’t some good in there somewhere. Despite everything, I knew Sebastian was good. He didn’t believe it, but I did. Even with everything he’d told me…I knew.

Something occurred to me. No, it couldn’t have been Sebastian. There was no way he could’ve known. He hadn’t even found the shoes until after Colin had died.

I had to know. “Did you kill Colin?”

“Yes.” Sebastian spoke calmly and without hesitation. “I told you, sunshine. Anyone who hurts you pays with their life.”

“Oh my gosh.” I rested my head in my hands. “You didn’t need to kill him.”

Sebastian touched my knee. “Are you upset that I did?”

Was I? I probably should have been, but whenever I thought of Colin, I thought of that night. The awful things he’d done to me. The things he would’ve done if Leo hadn’t shown up in the nick of time.

“No. Not really.”

“Good.” Sebatian withdrew his hand briskly. “See, Matty, that’s what I’m telling you. I’m not a good person.”
