Page 85 of Justice

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“Matty, what happened?”

His words made me remember what Sebastian had told me.

About demons. Ferry.

That Leo knew everything I’d only learned about today.

My relief at seeing him hardened into something else. Disentangling myself from him, I sat back against the bed. “Actually, I think we need to start with why you’ve been lying to me.”

Leo froze. “What?”

I didn’t think I’d ever been this cross with Leo. Irritated, sure. Who didn’t get annoyed at their siblings occasionally?

But the knowledge that there was this whole other world out there? One he’d intentionally kept hidden from me?

Cross didn’t really cover it. I was fuming.

“So you’re telling me you don’t know that your fiancé is a demon? Or that your best friend can turn into a fudging wolf?”

Leo rubbed the back of his neck, a clear sign he was uncomfortable. “Matty…I was trying to protect you.”

Wordlessly, I held up my mangled hand, ignoring Leo’s horrified gasp. “Well, that approach didn’t work. So perhaps you should try being honest with me now.”

Chapter 17


Imight’ve left the room, but that didn’t stop me eavesdropping on Leo and Matty’s conversation. The thin walls coupled with my supernatural hearing meant I had no issue hearing Matty calling his brother out for hiding things.

In the living room, Danny was giving Ferry a very tense rundown of the day’s events. The former Grim Reaper was pacing the living room, the heat notching up higher with every sentence Danny spoke.

When he was finished, Ferry turned to me. “You sure you killed them all?”

I recalled the mess I’d left behind. “Yes. They are very, very dead.”

“Shame,” Ferry grunted before addressing Danny. “Can we expect any others to come sniffing around Matty?”

That thought had occurred to me in the car. Only having Matty on my lap had stopped me staking Danny again for dragging him into this mess.

“I don’t think so,” Danny said slowly. “But I have a…someone I can reach out to in the clan. He might know something.”

“You don’t seem very certain,” I said.

Danny scowled at the floor. “Let’s just say we didn’t part on the best of terms. There’s a chance he won’t talk to me.”

“Give me his name. I’ll make him talk.”

“Get in line,” Ferry said, cracking his knuckles. “I’ll happily get the information needed.”

Danny rolled his eyes. “Simmer down, both of you. I’m capable of handling it myself.”

After earlier, I had to begrudgingly admit he was right. It wasn’t a question of whether he could or not, but of me wanting to protect what was mine.

Except Matty isn’t yours, is he? Because the people you love get hurt.

A chubby hand lying on a paved floor danced through my mind. My brother’s final words in my ears. The man I thought would be my mate bleeding out at my feet.

You had to learn from history. Being loved by me was a death sentence.
